Sunday, February 26, 2012

GRACE-on demand part 4

Does Grace mean we can do "whatever" we want with out consequence?  As Paul said in Romans - GOD FORBID!  Grace is freedom FROM sin - not freedom TO sin.  Grace is freedom FROM list upon list of rules and regulations - do this don't do that!  GRACE is NOT a list of rules to be followed, it is NOT a specific way to act, or talk, or dress or BE.  Oh God save us from our flesh!  We get our hands on something and immediately we want to define it, organize it, control it, make a program out of it, turn it into a "TO DO or TO DON'T" list of some kind or another!!


GRACE is just exactly what it is.  The elegant beauty of Gods favor and goodwill in our lives.

No more, no less, no program, no lists.  What we do, where we are, how we are, as we are - His Grace permeates everything - when we - as Romans chapter 10 verses 9 & 10 so elegantly put it (thank you Paul for listening and writing)


That which God has made simple, why, Why, WHY do we insist on complicating it????  Yes, there is a lot to LIVING the Christian life.  Yes, as we renew our minds to His word, He changes us.  HIM - HE does it.  We cannot control the flesh with a list of do's and don'ts.  I've never understood why we even try, for it only frustrates and causes discouragement.  I know, because I struggled for so many years and change didn't come until I GAVE IT UP TO GOD.  Then He did the work I could not do and NOW I am not only a New Creation in Christ, which I became the instant I - see Romans above - BUT NOW, by His GRACE I also walk and talk and ACT LIKE the New Creation that I am.


Grace did that which I could NOT do for myself.  I wanted to tame my mouth - oh my mouth!!!  My Mother will happily tell you what a MOUTH I was!!!  My tongue was SHARP!  Still can be when I don't submit it to the Holy Spirits power and direction.  I prayed and prayed and it seemed like NOTHING happened.  And then I just simply GAVE IT TO GOD.  Yielded - and He did a great thing.  A spiritual thing I cannot explain, I can only receive with JOY!

As Turn the Tide Ministries has worked with alcoholics, drug addicts and the like, we've seen it over and over.  Men and women struggle mightily!  In themselves, they cannot change a thing!  Yet, the moment they SURRENDER - God does WONDROUS things that cannot be explained, but only received with JOY!
We learn of this phenomena in Ezekiel.  LISTEN UP NOW, CAUSE THIS IS BIG!!!

Ezekiel 36: 25-27
Then I will sprinkle clean water on you and you shall be clean.  I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols.  I will give you a new heart and put a new Spirit within you.  I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.  I will put my Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in my statutes and you will keep my judgments and do them.

THAT'S ALL GOD AND NONE OF US.  That's GRACE at work.  His elegant beauty of favor and Goodwill in our lives.

Ahhhh, can it really be that easy?  No, of course it isn't EASY, but it is that SIMPLE.

Turn the Tide Ministries, Changing lives one at time.....
and we are so thankful He started with ours.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

WEEK 9 - February 26 - March 3


Who knew the Old Testament held such treasure?  If NOTHING else is gained from this reading of the rituals and ceremonies and offerings, may we at the minimum STOP and THANK GOD we are under GRACE and not the LAW!  Messy stuff, the law, messes caused by SIN.  Thank you Jesus that you set us FREE from SIN and the law!  BUT let us not forget what a messy business it was, lest we get too comfortable and the enemy wreak havoc in our lives today!


Numbers 7    SUNDAY
Numbers 8 - 10     MONDAY
Numbers 11 - 13   TUESDAY
Numbers 14 - 15 & Psalm 90    WEDNESDAY
Numbers 16 - 17   THURSDAY
Numbers 18 - 20   FRIDAY
Numbers 21 - 22   SATURDAY 

Sometimes, I think we've taken GRACE a little bit for granted.  Grace is wonderful and I am SO THANKFUL for it!  However, we must guard our hearts as in all things, that we don't start getting lazy and forget that we are in a WAR!  WE are the prize being fought for.  We have an enemy who HATES us as much as he hates our LORD.  "The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy" Jesus told us in John 10:10.  That's it, he has no other agenda.  STEAL the Joy of our salvation, KILL any hope within us or kill us if he can, and DESTROY the abundant life Jesus died to give us.  Well, that'll all be in the next BLOG!  Watch for it this Sunday, and did you see Part 1, 2 and 3?

 You are receiving this update because you signed up for THE UNITY PROJECT. (or you are signed up to follow TIDE TURNING TALES) Your comments, insights, questions or ideas are welcome, please keep them within the context of the two rules: NO ARGUMENTS (just state your view) USE SCRIPTURE (as valid as your opinion is, this isn't the forum for it).


If you would like to ask a question in confidence, please email us at:



Sunday, February 19, 2012

GRACE - on demand 3

GRACE-Do we give it as well as we get it?  Actually, the bigger question is - DO WE GET IT?  I don't mean receive it, I mean understand and comprehend it.  Too many don't "get it".  In our churches, in the Christian community at large, my personal experience has been that far too many have a misunderstanding of Gods grace.  They want it, they yearn for it, they hope for it, they are happy to receive it, BUT they just don't grasp the true meaning of it.

Grace has an elegance about it, a beauty that cannot be recreated in any other form.  Grace is Gods extended generosity towards us.  Grace is Gods accommodation of us.  As we are, where we stand.  Grace is so generous, that it demands NOTHING from us in order for us to receive it.
We've all heard the words, many, many times.  Now STOP - think about them
Romans 3:24 being justified freely by His grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus 
Romans 5:2  through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God
Romans 5:15: But the free gift is not like the offense. For if by the one man’s offense many died, much more the grace of God and the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abounded to many.
Romans 11:6  And if by grace, then it is no longer of works; otherwise grace is no longer grace. But if it is of works, it is no longer grace; otherwise work is no longer work.

and the clear verses in Ephesians chapter 2:1 -10
 And you He made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sins,  in which you once walked according to the course of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, the spirit who now works in the sons of disobedience, among whom also we all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others.
But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved), and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

GRACE is not a license to SIN, it is FREEDOM from sin!!  God is so gracious, so GENEROUS toward His children that He pours out GRACE without boundaries, in order that you are covered.  FREELY covered.  Once you confess Jesus as Lord, the gifts and grace and mercy and LOVE of God are YOURS!  "He whom the Son has set free is FREE INDEED."  Trust it, believe it, receive it!

You have GENEROUSLY received grace, now generously share it with others!  That's the beauty of Almighty God.  he gives, you give it away, He supplies an unending resource for continual giving!  

Prayer requests, questions answered, GRACE SHARED:

Friday, February 17, 2012

WEEK 8 February 19 - 25


(as you read, really LOOK for the correlations to your own life TODAY!  Make note of them, and take the time to share with others who are reading along, for a greater sense of connection and UNITY as we move forward.  THANK YOU!)

Leviticus 19 - 21    SUNDAY
Leviticus 22 - 23     MONDAY
Leviticus 24 - 25      TUESDAY
Leviticus 26 -27    WEDNESDAY
Numbers 1 - 2   THURSDAY
Numbers 3 - 4   FRIDAY
Numbers 5 - 6   SATURDAY 

As we're reading, we are amazed at how much different we are seeing the "laws" in light of other stories in the Bible.  For instance, the story of Jeptha in Judges, who foolishly makes a vow to make a burnt offering of the "first thing that comes out of the house" and it turns out to be his only daughter.  As we're reading the laws, we find that there was a way he could have redeemed his daughter and paid a substitute sacrifice for the sin of his own foolishness.  Interesting, how a read through like this gives such a different perspective of how the Word of God fits together from Genesis to Revelation!  What kinds of things are YOU seeing?

 You are receiving this update because you signed up for THE UNITY PROJECT. (or you are signed up to follow TIDE TURNING TALES) Your comments, insights, questions or ideas are welcome, please keep them within the context of the two rules: NO ARGUMENTS (just state your view) USE SCRIPTURE (as valid as your opinion is, this isn't the forum for it).


If you would like to ask a question in confidence, please email us at:



Sunday, February 12, 2012

GRACE - on demand Part 2    Follow this link, and enjoy some background music while you read the following: (These CD's are for sale and help fund the Missions/Evangelism Ministry of Turn the Tide, thank you for considering us as you plan your giving for the work of the Lord)

Is GRACE evident in the Old Testament?  Some would give a quick and emphatic "NO" and move on.  Hold on - not so fast!  It may be harder to recognize, it may look a bit different than we know GRACE today, but it's there.  GRACE is part of WHO God IS - and since He never changes, GRACE has to have been part of His relating to people even before Jesus came to earth!

Let's take a look at those people God chose as His example of His desire for relationship from the Old Testament stories - the Israelites.  Even a fast perusal of Genesis and Exodus shows a people to whom God showed extreme favor to over and over again even as they disobeyed Him over and over again!

Exodus Chapter 33 is an interesting bit of scripture, recording the relationship between God, Moses and the Israelites.  In verse one, God tells Moses to take the people from Egypt to the land He promised to Abraham.  Verse two, He declares He will send a Heavenly emissary with them and that He will drive out the current inhabitants of the land.  Then verse 3 - a very interesting verse.  He declares that they are to "Go up to a land flowing with milk and honey; but I will not go up among you, for you are a stiff necked people, lest I destroy you on the way." (Amplified)

He is sending them to a good place.  He has made all preparations for them and will make sure the place is ready for them.  He is sending an angel to go with them so they are not alone, but He Himself will refrain from going in case they make Him so angry with their grumbling and complaining that He just destroys them!  Since He doesn't want to destroy them, He will avoid them so as to be GRACIOUS toward them!

Are you a parent?  Then you can relate to this specifically.  Have your children ever frustrated you to the point that you just needed to be away from them for a few moments, for THEIR own good?  I know I have!  As I raised my three boys, there were times they tried my patience so sorely that I WENT TO MY ROOM for their own good!

This is only one example of the many times God gave GRACE to the Israelites.  I can't count the number of times He has given me GRACE when I surely deserved discipline and punishment!  I'll bet if you think on it, you'll come up with plenty of examples yourself.

GRACE has been misunderstood and misapplied many times.  Often, mercy and grace are treated as interchangeable, and often they certainly seem so!  WHAT DO YOU THINK THE DIFFERENCE IS?  You are welcome to click the comment button below and leave your thoughts.  We'll talk more on that next time!

Are you enjoying the teaching and blogs of Tide Turning Tales?  Please feel free to share us with others!  For more information about the ministry, check out our website @

God bless you and have a DELIBERATE week!

Friday, February 10, 2012

WEEK 7 February 12 - 18

Exodus 39-40    SUNDAY
Leviticus 1-4      MONDAY
Leviticus 5-7      TUESDAY
Leviticus 8-10    WEDNESDAY
Leviticus 11-13   THURSDAY
Leviticus 14-15   FRIDAY
Leviticus 16-18   SATURDAY

How completely HUMAN the Israelites were!  Can't you see yourself in the stumbles they went through?  How many times has God come through for you with something REALLY big that was REALLY important to you - and almost immediately when THAT situation is over and the next one occurs you find yourself wondering "will God come through this time?".   We are all of us imperfect, fallible human beings.  And God?  He is the Almighty, gracious and forgiving and kind and loving - even when we fall so far short.  The Israelites could count on Him, and so can we!

 You are receiving this update because you signed up for THE UNITY PROJECT. (or you are signed up to follow TIDE TURNING TALES) Your comments, insights, questions or ideas are welcome, please keep them within the context of the two rules: NO ARGUMENTS (just state your view) USE SCRIPTURE (as valid as your opinion is, this isn't the forum for it).


If you would like to ask a question in confidence, please email us at:



Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Vote and help us with our Dream!

We've entered a contest, and if we win, we'll be able to get the 5th wheel we're praying for which will make traveling so much more comfortable,as we'll be able to take our "HOME" with us everywhere we go!

Here are the exact instructions, and you can vote once a day.
It sure would mean alot to Clay & I if you would take the time to do so, and help make our dream - traveling and preaching the Gospel, come true!

Please follow these instructions, and then it will be easy! paste this address in your web address bar:

Then, REGISTER to vote by clicking on the "REGISTER" green button.
Enter your email address, and an easy to remember password They will send you a link in your email - DO NOT DELETE IT - KEEP IT TO GO THERE EACH DAY TO LOGIN AND VOTE!

 click the link where it says, "click here" (your security may require you to click (show content) just under the header. top right hand side in small letters, it says "LOGIN" click that, enter your email and password, then click on "VOTE" in this window, right hand side, you'll see a GREEN "GO" BUTTON in the search window in front of it,

 enter my email:          then click 'GO'

 a window with my name: A MARIE K comes up click where it says VOTE once you do it, it's very simple. Sorry they made it so complicated!

Please vote everyday for us! 
Thank you!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

GRACE-on demand!    Follow this link, and enjoy some background music (May I suggest the song "The Greatest Miracle"?) while you read the following:

Like most people nowadays, I keep up with what others are doing, thinking and saying mostly by Facebook.  The posts and comments give me a fairly accurate view into the hearts and thought processes of those around me, as well as a birds eye view into the lives of those around them!
Since I am a Christian and operating an Evangelistic Ministry a great deal of the information swirling in my circles has to do with the Bible, and what people think about the Bible, God and religion as well as relationships - with other people and with God Himself, particularly the Person of Jesus.

In this society of "do your own thing" many organizations have tightened the reigns, so to speak, on activity considered religious.  Church attendance, behavior, interaction with others and with the God we serve.  As the society as a whole appears to be "loosening up" its moral compasses, the church appears to be reacting - either by tightening up or going too far in the opposite direction and behaving too loose!   Being "uptight" has never been a popular position!  However, the truth is that being uptight has never been Gods position!

Before you get uptight about this idea, stay with me a moment.  I am not in any way suggesting that God is about loose morals or slack values.  Quite the opposite is the truth.  God IS moral, He IS the value, He is the STANDARD by which all else is measured.  But He isn't "uptight" about it all.

Uptight conveys a certain rigid, unyielding and even frightened and standoffish stance on everything around you. Uptight results from insecurity, instability and fear.  None of that describes God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and everything in it including people!

Neither is the Lord God loose as a goose as the saying goes!  Anything goes and its all alright with Him!  As I stated earlier, He IS the moral compass, the righteous standard and the JUST measure of all things!  How does all this balance out?

GRACE.  Grace balances the scales of everything.  Over the next several weeks, we'll take a long, hard look at the Old Testament, and how God related and balanced in that time FOR that time, and the New Testament, showing how He relates and balances things now, in our time, for our benefit.

Grace is a simple word conveying a simple message that impacts us beyond our comprehension!  Grace brings balance and stability and works to point our moral compasses in a righteous direction.  Grace is as much part of God as all that GOD IS.

God is LOVE; God is LIGHT; God is JUST; God is MERCY; God is HOLY; God is RIGHTEOUS; God is JUDGE; God is CREATOR; God is all of this and more, and we'll look at different aspects of this, and consider how it effects our lives, our choices, our hopes and dreams and our ETERNITY.

Stay tuned....GRACE is coming your way!

This message is the work of Turn the Tide Ministries.  All rights reserved.  You are free to copy, share, repost, digest, comment, or just recieve the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ!  We all aware or unawares have sinned against - broken the cord of fellowship - with God the Father Who Created us and are in need of His forgiveness.  In His infinite mercy, He sent His Son Jesus to the earth as a Sacrifice in our place, to pay the penalty of sin - death - so we, by confessing our sin and asking could receive forgiveness and have eternal life with God through Jesus.  "By GRACE you are saved, and not of works, lest any man should boast."  Ephesians 2:8

WEEK 6 February 5 - 11

Exodus 19-21   SUNDAY
Exodus 22-24   MONDAY
Exodus 25-27   TUESDAY
Exodus 28-29   WEDNESDAY
Exodus 30-32   THURSDAY
Exodus 33-35   FRIDAY

Exodus 36-38   SATURDAY

The story of Joseph is one inspiring saga of TRUSTING GOD no matter what you see, hear or actual events that occur!  Faithfulness toward God reaps results - for GOD is faithful to His word, and by His word to us!  God showed Joseph that he would rule and his brothers would be subject to him.  Immediately, all circumstance caused it to appear that THAT wasn't going to happen!  Sure, it took a bit of time and some "things" happened in the meantime, BUT GODS WORD CAME TO PASS for Joseph.

So it is with us.  STAND, the Apostle Paul tells us.  When you've done all God has commanded, you've done what you can do, STAND and trust God, He never fails, never falters - HE ALWAYS COMES THROUGH!

 You are receiving this update because you signed up for THE UNITY PROJECT. (or you are signed up to follow TIDE TURNING TALES) Your comments, insights, questions or ideas are welcome, please keep them within the context of the two rules: NO ARGUMENTS (just state your view) USE SCRIPTURE (as valid as your opinion is, this isn't the forum for it).


If you would like to ask a question in confidence, please email us at: