Monday, October 15, 2012

Miscellaneous meanderings

Ever noticed that sometimes your so "busy" that time just seems to get away from you?  You only have two or three, not difficult, errands or chores to take care of, and somehow, time goes by and you've only gotten one thing done?  Those kinds of days always make me wonder "Where did the time go?  What was I doing?"  Even though I know I was BUSY all day long!

Remember the gentleman I told you about in "Pity Party?"  After feeding him sandwiches and sharing the Gospel with him, I continued to pray for him and ask God to move mightily in his life. 
Several days ago, we were out walking JackDog, and here he comes up the street toward us, riding a bicycle.  He recognized JackDog and I, and stopped to say hello.  And he had some GREAT news!  "I've got a job!  I'm on my way there now!  And I rented a room!  Thank you for praying for me!" and off he went, a new creation in Christ with a new lease on life!

While we were in the Denver area, we decided to stop by one of the churches I (Marie) served on staff with.  SURPRISE VISIT!  (The best kind, don't you know!)  It was so nice to see familiar faces and new faces, greet old friends and renew acquaintances.  Some things looked the same and comfortably familiar - and other things - well, I LIKED the color they had painted the lobby and sanctuary!  Very warm and welcoming.

Friday, October 12th Turn the Tide Ministries packed the RV and got back on the road!  YEAH!
I love to travel, meet new people, see new sights, and JackDog loves all the new smells that come with traveling.  There are actually a lot of folks right here in the good ole' USA who do NOT know the Gospel message of Salvation!  It is our pleasure and duty to inform them, with grace and in the love of Christ, that there is MORE than existence!  THERE IS LIFE, AND LIFE ETERNAL!

First stop, a visit and Evangelism with dear friends in Meeker, who recently began Pastoring a church there.  The kids have all grown so much!  We had opportunity to share in music and testimony at the Sunday service, and later at a Worship Concert, where the Body was increased as souls accepted Christ as Savior! 

And it felt so good to us to be "back at it".  Since January we have felt like we are operating in a thick gray cloud of grief and sorrow.  First the loss of one dearly loved soul, then the very sudden and unexpected loss of another 11 days later, followed by two very harrowing hospital emergency visits by a third family member - it has been a tough 9 months and we have been tried in the fires.  We are grateful to our loving God and Father Who has SEEN US THROUGH TO VICTORY!

Tell us what's the news in YOUR neck of the woods!