the words on the page cease to be ink forming letters forming words forming sentences
and it becomes LIFE to me.
II Peter 1-3 Simon Peter, a servant and an apostle of Jesus Christ, to them that have obtained like precious faith with us through the righteousness of God and our Saviour Jesus Christ:
2 Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord,
3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
ALL things pertaining to life ~ everything we NEED to know to live the abundant life Jesus came and sacrificed Himself to give us
ALL things pertaining to godliness ~ so we can fulfill our purpose, giving glory to the God who created us
The attitude I see portrayed around me, that of "why should I give glory to God? What has He done for me?" saddens me so deeply, for that is an attitude that hurts no one quite so much as it hurts the person who is holding it in their hearts.
They THINK they are doing what "they" want to do! They aren't! They are pawns used by satan, the devil, the god of this world. They are fulfilling his deceitful, selfish desires, having been deceived into thinking these are their own desires!
Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is LIBERTY. Through Christ we find our sufficiency, our hope, our very lives! Going "our own way" or doing our own thing is a way that simply leads to destruction. Proverbs tells us rightly when its words instruct us "There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is a way of death." This idea is so important it is repeated in Proverbs 14 and again in Proverbs 16.
Our hearts might think they know and understand what is best for us. The truth is, God has plans and purposes for each and every one of us which ARE BEST FOR EACH OF US.
Reading His words on a regular basis, daily even, will give us the information we need to live lives that are full. Full of joy, and blessing and purpose and happiness and peace and strength and overcoming power of the Holy Spirit. Full of true worth, true value and true abundance that never fades away.
READ the words of life. I dare you. I double dare you to commit to just 30 days of daily reading. Read along with us, read on your own schedule. Read a paragraph, a chapter or a book. Read from the Old Testament or read from the New Testament.
30 days is the challenge. Read EVERY DAY without fail, and if you do not find that your life is changed for the better, I will be shocked for certain. Because I know, if you do it, every day, for even 30 days, something in your life will change for the better.
Perhaps you will feel happier, calmer or stronger. Perhaps you will forgive an old hurt. Perhaps you will behave a little gentler and kinder with others.
We'd really LOVE to hear how reading the word of God daily changes your life! Be sure to write and tell us!
Meanwhile, we'll be praying for you!!