The polls have been done, the questions answered and the numbers just aren't pretty.
79.5% of Americans identify as Christians, but they rarely attend church services, do not trust exclusively in Christ for salvation and they do not value the teachings of the Bible as Gods Word.
79.5% of Americans identify as Christians, but they rarely attend church services, do not trust exclusively in Christ for salvation and they do not value the teachings of the Bible as Gods Word.
If the statistics were true, 8 of every 10 people we know
would be an active, believing Christian.
The numbers are closer to maybe 7-9%, and of that
percentage, according to a Barna Group poll:
46% of church going people say their lives have not changed at
all as a result of attending services
61% say they have received NO significant insight from
attending church services
17% of all Americans are actively antagonistic toward the
The statistics go from bad to worse, and are indicative of
the disarray Gods Holy Church is in here in America, at this time in His Story.
2 out of 3 Americans believe the Bible contains everything
needed to live a meaningful life, but only 1 out of 5 actually reads the bible
just 4 days a week.
When we take out the Sundays and Wednesdays in the church setting, this means 1 in 5 of actually reads any part of the bible just 2 more times in any given week period. Since Apostle Paul tells us we are transformed by the renewing of our minds to His word, it leaves very little transformation going on!
When we take out the Sundays and Wednesdays in the church setting, this means 1 in 5 of actually reads any part of the bible just 2 more times in any given week period. Since Apostle Paul tells us we are transformed by the renewing of our minds to His word, it leaves very little transformation going on!
Only 20% of church goers who identify themselves as Christian say they even think about the bible during any given day.
The actual numbers are far worse. The truth is that fewer than 1 out of 10 Americans participate in the activities that would be expected of true Christians.
- read the Bible
- strive to live according to its teachings
- submit their personal will to the Will of the Creator they say they believe in.
Sadder still, less than 1% of that less than 1% have
experienced any significant transformation in their lives as a result of
trusting in Jesus as their Lord and Savior according to their own testimonies.
The Lord called His people to “come out from among them”
through sanctification and be a peculiar people.
From Exodus 19:5
to 1Peter 2:9 it has always been Gods
intention that His people would be different from others on the earth. That they would stick out. That the difference would be noticeable and
How else would anyone know something was different enough about you that they might want to know what it is and thereby open a door for you to share the Gospel, the Good News of Salvation, as Jesus in Acts 1:8 instructed us to do?
How else would anyone know something was different enough about you that they might want to know what it is and thereby open a door for you to share the Gospel, the Good News of Salvation, as Jesus in Acts 1:8 instructed us to do?
Yet, particularly in the last 30 or so years, the “church”
has put such effort into being exactly LIKE the world, under the false notion that
being like the world would somehow attract the world to them, and then they
would share the Gospel.
Unfortunately, every experiment has proven that it doesn't work that way. If we were reading the bible, we'd remember that 1Corinthians 5:6 warned us of the opposite occurring, that "a little leaven leavens the whole lump." Adding a little "clean" doesn't work but the opposite does.
As the church becomes more worldly, compromising in the mistaken idea they could “reach” more people this way, the only result is that the church became more worldly while the world never became more godly. Compromise has led to a watered Gospel that lacks the power of God.
As the church becomes more worldly, compromising in the mistaken idea they could “reach” more people this way, the only result is that the church became more worldly while the world never became more godly. Compromise has led to a watered Gospel that lacks the power of God.
I Corinthians 5:6 and again in Galatians 5:9, we were warned
against that kind of thinking and we didn’t pay attention. Instead, we are now paying a price.
Here is a truth, straight from the Bible, that IF we will
pay attention to, we can experience transformation, we can experience true
salvation, we can experience lasting, glorious, joyful change in our hearts and
lives that not only blesses us, but will bless those around us!
Philippians 2:12
my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much
more in my absence, work out your own salvation with fear and
We are INDIVIDUALLY responsible before God. We will each INDIVIDUALLY give an account of
ourselves to the Lord at the Day of Judgment.
When each INDIVIDUAL makes their own personal commitment and works out their salvation according to the teaching and doctrine found in the Bible, then when we come together COLLECTIVELY, like the First Century Church:
When each INDIVIDUAL makes their own personal commitment and works out their salvation according to the teaching and doctrine found in the Bible, then when we come together COLLECTIVELY, like the First Century Church:
Acts 2:40-47
And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying,
save yourselves from this untoward generation.
Then they that gladly received his word were baptized: and
the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.
And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and
fellowship, and in breaking of bread, and in prayers.
And fear came upon every soul: and many wonders and signs
were done by the apostles.
And all that believed were together, and had all things
And sold their possessions and goods, and parted them to all
men, as every man had need.
And they, continuing daily with one accord in the temple,
and breaking bread from house to house, did eat their meat with gladness and
singleness of heart,
Praising God, and having favor with all the people. And the
Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved.
We will have in common the doctrines we follow, when we
share, rather than dictate according to our own need, want and desire, the words found in the Bible.
We will have in common a peculiarity that smells and looks like a TRUE BELIEVER that others will recognize. They may hate us, as they hated Jesus, but we will be true to the Lord Who made formed and created us!
We will see God move mightily on behalf of His people when we zealously, diligently seek personal relationship with the Father and The Son Jesus through the Holy Spirit given for that purpose, and then COLLECTIVELY, CORPORATELY manifest that power in His name.
We will have in common a peculiarity that smells and looks like a TRUE BELIEVER that others will recognize. They may hate us, as they hated Jesus, but we will be true to the Lord Who made formed and created us!
We will see God move mightily on behalf of His people when we zealously, diligently seek personal relationship with the Father and The Son Jesus through the Holy Spirit given for that purpose, and then COLLECTIVELY, CORPORATELY manifest that power in His name.
- Not the name of a denomination
- Not the name of a church building
- Not the name of any Pastor, bible Teacher or CELEBRITY so-called Christian
In the Name above all names, the Name of Jesus the Lord.
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