We must stop being so
afraid to proclaim the truth!!
When we tell our
testimonies, when we speak of our Christian walk, when we share with others the
struggles, why are we so afraid to tell the truth?
I’ve seen it over and over,
I’ve even done it myself.
We don’t want to discourage
anyone, we’re afraid they won’t come to Christ if they know the truth.
So we fudge a little, we fib
a little, we exaggerate a little to make it all a little nicer, a little easier
to swallow.
The truth is that the walk
of a true disciple of Christ is a difficult walk, fraught with danger, filled
with hard circumstances, complete with persecution from without and self-doubt
from within!!
The truth is that renewing
your mind to His way instead of doing what you want, dying to self to live for
others, humbling yourself and esteeming others more highly, taking the back
seat instead of the front, denying pleasures of the flesh instead of indulging
in them are really, really difficult things to do!
Jesus not only never said it
would be easy, He made it clear it would be TREMENDOUSLY HARD!
That it would mean a
lifetime of being hated by the world we live in, persecuted by our neighbors
and even those we call friends. Stalked
by an evil spiritual being filled with darkness we can’t even begin to imagine,
whose only desire is to kill and destroy us, our lives, our loved ones!
That there would be trials,
but alongside them would be great triumphs.
That we can expect to be
targets but the shield of faith would protect us from every weapon formed
against us.
That lies would bombard us
but the TRUTH would set us free.
That apart from trusting and
believing in Him we would be helpless, discouraged and inept; but He would be
our hope, our encouragement and that through Him only, we would be able to do
everything we need to do. Everything He
asks us to do.
That to our every question
He would be our answer.
Truly, Jesus is Who He told
us He is.
He is the Way to our joy,
peace and the love we all crave so deeply.
He is the Truth we search
high and low for and yearn for in our hearts.
He is the LIFE, eternal
life, we desire above all other things.
The walk as a disciple of
Christ is the hardest, best, scariest, most joyful, toughest and most wonderful
walk any of us will ever experience.
others that Jesus loves them, died for them, was raised from the dead for their
redemption and they are called to take up THEIR cross, pay the cost and follow
Him to a LIFE ETERNAL that is the only rewarding ending to this physical life
on earth.
His love is well worth the cost
He paid so we could have it, and that is no lie!