When your life is in the hands of the Living God, sometimes events happen - not always of the happiest variety - that you think are "out of place" or just don't make sense to you.
Then somewhere or sometime down the line, another event occurs and you get a glimpse of how the Almighty God puts things together in such a way to bring the greatest blessings, the greatest joy and show you that He truly is in charge and trustworthy. Ignorant people will call it "coincidence" and never give the glory to the Lord where it belongs. That's okay. Psalm 78 clearly shows us the path of the unrighteous - where it ends.
So, from a seemingly easily categorized as negative event, I ended up in front of a young lady at the bank. Who received a phone call just at the time I was with her. Who I encouraged to go ahead and take the call as it was OBVIOUS she was anxious about it.
Turns out it was her doctors office, and it was important - for she is in the midst of IVF - Invetro Fertilization treatments. This presented a wonderful opportunity for me to:
1. encourage her greatly, sharing the story of my dear friend Traci. (who is sending a copy of her book about her experience for Annette to enjoy)
2. Pray for her and share about Gods love and grace toward her
3. be reminded my own self that I am safely in the arms of the Lord who loves me and created me, and whatever happens, even if it seems negative, is all part of His fantastic plan for me! (I needed that right then!)
On top of all that, I now can share the story with all of you, and I pray in Jesus name that you will all be encouraged as well, for the Lord is trustworthy and His Mercies endure FOREVER!
We're out here, every day, seeking the lost, looking for opportunity to show Gods love. I admit to you, it ain't always easy joy - but it is always joy! When I ask you to remember to pray for us - PLEASE PRAY! Pray for our daily needs to be met, pray for our safety, pray for opportunity to witness, pray for resources for us to tap into.
We'd love to hear from you! You can comment here or on the website!
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