Saturday, April 9, 2011


Talking about the Lord appears to be less than popular with most folks. It seems to immediately inspire distrust and a backing away. This surely ought not be! Those of us who know Jesus as Lord and Savior think "how can this be?"

We don't question it anymore. We simply see it to be the truth as we encounter folks and engage them in conversation.

We have also found it to be true, that although people are pretty closed to talking about Jesus for the most part, they are just as OPEN to PRAYER.

Everyone needs prayer. Most everyone wants prayer. Whatever else we all say we believe or don't believe in, it seems we all sense the rightness, the applicability, the need for prayer. In any of it's forms, this simple form of communication brings the individual into direct contact with the Creator - GOD. (What they do with it after that is varied!) No conflict about theology, belief systems, methods or style of worship - just direct communication from our hearts to His ears.

Sure - many say "no thanks" when we offer to pray for them, pray with them, and we respect their decision. Free will, right? However, in the majority, asking NOTHING of people, but offering them this universally accepted way to sense peace and gain help opens doors as nothing else I've ever seen has been able to do.

Today, please allow me to pray with you, to pray for you:

Father in Heaven, how great and mighty is the very sound of Your Name! Spoken out loud or in silent plea by people, what peace it brings, what sense of soundness and wholeness and what energy it generates! Your Name spoken has the power to restore what is broken, return what is lost, bring life to what is dead, shed light into the darkness, and change every circumstance and turn around any situation in order to bring blessing and comfort and Joy everlasting to those who speak with faith.

I ask in prayer right now, that those reading these words, though there be no power in this prayer - no power in these words themselves - that as they whisper or shout or speak or groan or mumble or sing the Name above all Names, the Name of Jesus - the power of that Name will be unleashed on their behalf and in their lives to their good and well-being. Thank you, Lord, for hearing and responding according to Your Will and Grace and Mercy, AMEN.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanx for the ministry dear.... u r very valuable to God...