Thursday, December 29, 2011

THE UNITY PROJECT -Week of January 1 - 7

Genesis 1-3 SUNDAY
Genesis 4-7 MONDAY
Genesis 8-11 TUESDAY
Job 10-13 FRIDAY
Job 14-16 SATURDAY

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1 comment:

Tammy T said...

A few thoughts on Genesis 1-3, probably nothing new to most folks, but good to think about again!

1) For those who deny the trinity - in Gen 1:26 refers to what He is doing by saying "us" and "ourselves" - who was He talking to? Clearly a reference to God the Father, his son Yeshua & the Holy Spirit!

2)God created signs in the heavens from the beginning, to tell of His greatness & of things to come. In Gen 1:14, just after He creates the stars, it says "let them be for signs, season, days and years;" - the stars are there for us to learn about God!

3) Gen 1:30 tells us about what God gives to Adam to rule over - but he refers to the animals, birds, etc as having a living soul! Interesting thought - they don't have a redeemable spirit, but they do have a soul. So, I'm thinking that the soul is what makes a dog happy to see it's owner? Or the instinct that causes a mother bear to protect her young? Or even that which causes certain birds to return to the same nest each year, with the same mate! Interestingly, there isn't a reference to fish. Only to wild animals, birds in the air & creature crawling on the earth. What does anyone else think about this passage?

4) Gen 2:17, when God warns Adam to not eat from that tree, doesn't say he will die as in "now", says "it will become certain that you will die" - future reference to the loss of immortality?

5) Has anyone else heard this? In Gen 2:21, where it refers to God causing a "deep sleep" to come on Adam - I've heard that it actually means Adam was temporarily put to death, then brought back to life. Thoughts?

6) I love my version (Complete Jewish Bible) for Gen 2:24 - doesn't say "cleave" to his wife, says "stick with"!! Means a lot for folks having marriage difficulties - stick with it! :)

7) Gen 3:2 - Satan lies...says God said they couldn't even touch the fruit! God only said don't eat it. But think...when the distorted lies come, they make you want to draw closer. Tell me not to eat it - I'm okay, I just avoid the tree. Tell me not to touch it, though, and something inside suddently makes me look at it & have an overwhelming desire to touch it! Subtle manipulation of our thinking & emotions...

8) Gen 3:6 - when Eve ate the fruit, says her husband (that would be Adam!) was WITH HER!! Duh - why didn't he just say "STOP!" Sure would have saved us a lot of hassles, huh? ! :p Then, in 3:12 - the blame game: Adam blames the woman for "giving" him the fruit. So, just because it was in his hand he had to eat? No - was a choice. We have choices daily, don't we?

9) Never noticed before - Gen 3:16, God says He will "greatly increase" the pain of childbirth. Guess that means it was always meant to hurt some, just not as intense as it does now?

10) Gen 3:21 - the first sacrifice made for man's sin - an animal had to die to get the skins for the first garments.

Okay, 10 things is enough! I'm done - looking forward to hearing some feedback from what I got from Sunday's readings!