Friday, January 20, 2012

Bargain with God?!?! The Almighty??

I'm ranting and raving - again!  Just saw a FB "ad" for Chatting with God which states "bargaining with God is the way to go.  This inspirational book relates to your daily life and teaches you how to GET MORE FROM GOD".  HUH!?!?!?@?@?@!?!?

Ever heard the saying, I'm so mad I could spit nails?  That's how I'm feeling.  Hi, my name is Marie and I'm an Ambassador for Jesus Christ.  In this line of 'work', I find lots of sin - that's right!  Lot's of sin!  Starting with my own - I'm a sinner.  I read Gods Word, the Bible, and then did pretty much the opposite.  That's SIN.  No one wants to talk about sin, they pretend it doesn't really exist, hide it in the pages of a book called the Bible which they NEVER again open so the 'sin' won't be exposed.  Why am I saying this?  To get to the point as quickly as possible.  I am a sinner, saved by a gracious God, who sent His Son, Jesus, in the form of man into this world to die a horrible death as the FINAL and COMPLETE sacrifice for SIN - all sin, every man, woman and childs SIN - so we could be free from it and all of its consequences and begin to live a life of agreement with God.  I point out I am a sinner, so no one gets the idea I'm talking above anyone else.  I pray I've made that point clear.

Those who want to gloss over that point, and make people "feel good" about themselves never use that word.  They have tons of excuses and what sounds like reasonable logical points to avoid talking about sin, ever, but that does not change the TRUTH.  And TRUTH is the ONLY thing that will ever, has ever or is ever going to set people free.  Jesus not only told the truth, Jesus IS the truth!  He is the bridge in the gap between God the Father and Man who needs God.

There is a lot of false teaching going on in this world.  Tons of half truths, total lies, flowery speeches designed to make people feel goose bumps and then FORGET about real truth.  So here's a thought I sincerely hope and pray you will really chew on till you get it:  There is no "bargaining" with God.  There is only obedience which results in blessings from Him, or disobedience which results in SIN and all its consequences occurring.  No middle ground, no gray area, no safe zone, no neutral position.  The only "if" is the one God put forth:


You can believe or not believe, dismiss it all day long, and even seemingly get "away" with that.  But one day, when this short physical life is over and eternity is looming, you will face the CREATOR who made and formed you in His own image.  If that thought frightens you, good!  SIN ought to frighten us!

Believe the Bible or disbelieve the Bible, argue all you want, God will still be God and as the Creator He will do as He chooses and we don't have all freedom we'd like to think we have.  We have the freedom He has allowed.  No more, no less.

Yes, God loves us;  that's why He made a way OUT of SIN for us.
Yes, God is Holy and Just; that's why there will be judgment.
Yes, the choice is ours to make; and that's why we will live ETERNALLY with the choice we've made.

Get the TRUTH before your decision making days are ended.
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