Saturday, April 28, 2012

WEEK 18 April 29 - May 5

SUNDAY                                     Psalms 102, 103, 104
MONDAY                        2 Samual 5:1-10; I Chronicles 11, 12
TUESDAY                                     Psalm 133, 106, 107
WEDNESDAY                 2 Samuel 5:11 - 2Samuel 6:23; I Chronicles 13, 14
THURSDAY                        I Chronicles 15, 16; Psalms 1, 2, 15
FRIDAY                                    Psalm 22,23,24,47, 68
SATURDAY                         Psalms 89, 96, 100, 101, 105, 132

LOTS OF READING!  Keep this thought in your heart when you are tempted to skip over some - Gods Word is QUICK and POWERFUL; the SPOKEN word has GREAT power - Gods Word, spoken aloud by His believers, all within the same 24 hour period - HOW POWERFUL MIGHT THAT BE AND HOW DESPERATELY NEEDED at this time in our world!!

Consider this LABOR OF LOVE; READ THE WORD ALOUD AND PROUD!  His word NEVER comes back void!  Release this power into your life, your heart and the atmosphere of your home!

TRY IT, and tell us what you think.
Tide Turning Tales is ONLINE~Know someone who would enjoy 20 minutes of Bible Teaching on Video? Tell them about us, and pass on our link NOW, so they can sign up to receive the Video's in their email inbox.
You are receiving this update because you signed up for THE UNITY PROJECT. (or you are signed up to follow TIDE TURNING TALES) Your comments, insights, questions or ideas are welcome, please keep them within the context of the two rules: NO ARGUMENTS (just state your view)
USE SCRIPTURE (as valid as your opinion is, this isn't the forum for it).

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Welcome New Day!

Good Morning!  Another beautiful day in Gods Kingdom!  Yes, I’ll bet you expected another fun video today, didn’t you?  Next week.  This week, I’d like to lay some ground work for a serious subject.  That subject is LIFE! 

One of the wonderful things the tomb of Jesus was FULL of that morning it was discovered He Himself had risen from the dead, was NEW LIFE!  The Apostle Paul declared that when we receive the gift of salvation through Christ, we become NEW CREATIONS! 

How wonderful! How exciting!  How difficult it is to walk in that newness of life!  It requires that we change our thinking.  “For as a man thinks in his heart SO IS HE.”  What you think is who you are.  The instant we receive Gods free gift of salvation through Christ, we BECOME a new creation.  BEHAVING in a way that shows others that new creation takes a bit of (ahem) “work” on our part.

We must “renew” our minds. We have to change our thinking!   What does that mean?  Doesn’t that just  #automagically happen?  We say a quick prayer, and then VOILA’ – all is changed, maybe we start going to church, maybe even Bible Study, but no effort is needed on our part, right?  We asked Jesus to come live in our hearts, but then we just keep doing what we’ve always done, the way we’ve always done it, right?

WRONG!  To succeed at ANYTHING takes deliberate effort.  To accomplish even the most menial task, we must expend some energy! To actually get good at something takes PRACTICE.  When we “confess with our mouth that Jesus is LORD” that changes the dynamics of HOW we are choosing to live life!  If He is LORD, that means He is the one calling the shots, so to speak. 

It is no longer us living life as we think, but as He has commanded.  And that starts with finding out WHAT he commanded, and then lining our lives up with it!  We are to walk by FAITH – and faith is a verb – an action word!  No passively sitting about for this one!  We are actively engaged in LIFE at this point.  It takes some deliberate effort, we must put out energy and begin to PRACTICE this life as a new creation!

Stay tuned, we’re going to talk a LOT about living DELIBERATELY over the next number of weeks and it is exciting stuff!


If you have specific questions we welcome them at

Week 17 April 22 - April 28

SUNDAY                            I Chronicles 1 - 2
MONDAY                         Psalm 43, 44, 45, 49, 84, 85, 87        
TUESDAY                        I Chronicles 3 - 5
WEDNESDAY                Psalm 73,77,78
THURSDAY                    I Chrinicles 6
FRIDAY                            Psalm 81, 88, 92, 93
SATURDAY                    I Chronicles 7 - 10

Try reading the Psalms all OUT LOUD - even if you are only reading to yourself.  Originally, many of these were prayers David SPOKE OUT LOUD to God.  There is something powerful about our doing the same.  You just might be surprised at what it does in your own heart!  TRY IT, and tell us what you think.
Tide Turning Tales is ONLINE~Know someone who would enjoy 20 minutes of Bible Teaching on Video? Tell them about us, and pass on our link NOW, so they can sign up to receive the Video's in their email inbox.
You are receiving this update because you signed up for THE UNITY PROJECT. (or you are signed up to follow TIDE TURNING TALES) Your comments, insights, questions or ideas are welcome, please keep them within the context of the two rules: NO ARGUMENTS (just state your view)
USE SCRIPTURE (as valid as your opinion is, this isn't the forum for it).

Thursday, April 19, 2012

A Tide Turning Tale Prayer Update

We are always lifting EACH DAY before the Lord and seeking His guidance. As a "living sacrifice" we DAILY are prepared to go and do however, wherever, whenever the Lord directs. At this time, there are several "opportunities" presenting themselves, and we are diligently seeking His Hand to show us which direction will bring Him the greatest glory and further the Kingdom according to His will for us. Thank you for praying in agreement with us in this direction.

 One of these opportunities include:
a possible summer position in Meeker, Colorado helping run an RV resort, Ute Lodge - sounds like a great learning experience and "workcamper" reference for other such situations as we travel. Is this Gods best right now for us? Thank you for praying for wisdom as we make this decision. Taking it, if it is offered to us, means giving up some things too, so we want to be certain we hear from God on this.

We are watching MIRACLES take place! Healings, deliverance and souls coming to Christ in mighty ways! The Lord is answering prayers in extraordinary ways. We prayed about forming relationships that will further the work of the ministry - and suddenly new Christian friends are coming out of the woodwork, so to speak! We are growing, and watching others grow as well. What JOY to walk the many paths of this awesome GREAT ADVENTURE with our God!

Have you tuned in to Tide Turning Tales Online yet? We post a new VLOG each Sunday - but all of them are available in the archives @
or on our YouTube Channel:
Clay, JackDog and I (Marie) want you to know that we are praying for YOU and appreciate each and every one of you that supports us with your prayers!! THANK YOU!

May the Love of Christ fill your hearts and the GRACE of Christ fill your daily lives, in Jesus Name, Amen!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


Tide Turning Tales ONLINE - April 15, 2012
                                                                               OUR HOPE!

Week 16 April 15 - April 21

SUNDAY                           Psalms 56, 120, 140-142   
MONDAY                        1 Samuel 25-27        
TUESDAY                       Psalms 17, 35, 54, 63
WEDNESDAY               1 Samuel 28-31; Psalms 18; 1 Chronicles 10
THURSDAY                   Psalms 121, 123-125, 128-130
FRIDAY                          2 Samuel 1-4
SATURDAY                   Psalms 6, 8-10, 14, 16, 19, 21

Too often, we lack the WILL to take the necessary actions to bring blessings into our own lives, and then we moan that we aren't blessed!  Tsk Tsk!!  We grow so complacent, so apathetic that we are hardly even aware!  BEWARE OF THIS HAPPENING TO YOU!!  Oh, you don't think it can??  Did you READ I Samuel Chapter 3?  Eli was Gods PRIEST, yet he did not guard his heart and complacency stole in - and we read that his sin was so great, he wasn't even sorrowful about it!  He didn't even TRY to get right with God, he threw up his hands in utter defeat and declared "Let God do what He thinks best."  What GOD wanted for Eli was Eli's blessing!  He could not bless Eli because Eli wouldn't address sin and make any effort to obey God!  The ways of God are PRINCIPLES, that when applied in obedience (not perfection!) WORK EVERY TIME!  Tune in for more on Tide Turning Tales Online!
Tide Turning Tales is ONLINE~Know someone who would enjoy 20 minutes of Bible Teaching on Video each week? Tell them about us, and pass on our link NOW, so they can sign up to receive the Video's Weekly in their email inbox.
You are receiving this update because you signed up for THE UNITY PROJECT. (or you are signed up to follow TIDE TURNING TALES) Your comments, insights, questions or ideas are welcome, please keep them within the context of the two rules: NO ARGUMENTS (just state your view)
USE SCRIPTURE (as valid as your opinion is, this isn't the forum for it).

Friday, April 13, 2012

How this works...

Have you ever listened to someone else's tale of VICTORY, or their breakthrough, or their overcoming something BIG in their lives - and wondered HOW DID THAT WORK FOR THEM???!!!???

More importantly, what you REALLY want to know is HOW CAN THIS WORK FOR ME???

Now, there are a LOT of things I could say right here, and it would probably impress everyone the MOST if I came up with.... (you know what's coming.....)


But, that isn't the answer.  There are no top ten ways, there aren't even a top three ways.  There is ONE WAY.  Yea, that's what I'm saying.

                                           ONE WAY

Hold on to your hats, here's the answer - the one we're all looking for and none of us REALLY wants to hear, but the ONLY ONE that will bring us to that place of VICTORY we really want to be at:

OBEY GOD.  Don't debate, don't look for confirmations or 20 counselors or ways around or over it -
just buckle down, and as James said in the wonderful letter he wrote that God has preserved in the Bible


Do it.  Like Nike even said in their infamous ad.  

                                  JUST DO IT.

and watch God MOVE.......
                     hey, have you heard that song???  It's one of our newest.  Join up for email updates, see icon above right, or shoot us an email at and we'll bless you with a FREE download of this great new worship song.

Obey - it's the only way to go!!!!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


You know exactly what I’m talking about because you’ve been there, more often than you really care to admit to.  Horror of horrors – to be in a place where we DOUBT God!  We doubt His love for us, we doubt His provision for us, and we doubt He cares about us AT ALL because IF HE DID…

This thing we’re going through now wouldn’t be happening or that thing  that’s occurring wouldn’t be happening or this circumstance I find myself in would be different or that circumstance would be different.  You know what I mean, we’ve all been there.  We have all asked the question “Why God? Why?”

I’ve had some very “not nice” things that happened in my life as I grew up.  There was a very long, very painful block of time when I was convinced I was unwanted and unloved by my own mother.  And I was mad at God about it, let me tell you!  Why God? Why? 

Do you know, in the Bible, the Word of God in the book of Romans chapter 8 verse 28, it says “All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes.”  ALL THINGS.  Does that mean, everything that happens is supposed to BE GOOD?  No, I don’t think so, for I know from experience that that is not the way it works!  Not all the things that happen are GOOD – but ALL the things that happen, when we walk in agreement and obedience toward God Almighty, everything that occurs is used by Him and turned in such a way that they work together to bring about GOOD in our lives!

In this case, the very real emotional pain and turmoil I experienced through that time in my life, was just recently used by God the Father to minister some very real, very needed healing in the life of someone else, who was experiencing that exact same sort of trauma.  Had I not gone through what I went through, I could not have reached this person with Gods truths.  They wouldn’t have listened or received my words as valid, in the way they did, if I had not actually gone through similar circumstances to what they were experiencing.  I’d have been just another “Christian” trying to con them into thinking Jesus was gonna make it all ok if they’d just go to church, or attend Bible study or some such thing. 

Instead, they knew, as I described my experience and then shared HOW God delivered me from it and healed and restored my relationship with my mother (for which I am VERY thankful) they KNEW, that there was very real HOPE that they could be delivered, too.  God is no “respecter of persons.”  What He makes available is available to everyone, if they will have faith to receive it.

HOPE – that’s one of the wonderful things that “empty” tomb was FULL of the morning Jesus left the grave clothes lying in there and GOT UP FROM THE DEAD!  Be sure to “tune in” Sunday for the next Tide Turning Tale on video!

Be blessed and encouraged in the Lord Brothers and Sisters, for He loves us!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

NOT EMPTY- the Full Tomb!!

JOYOUS Resurrection Sunday Celebration!
So many think that tomb was empty, I say, that tomb was FULL!
Watch the video, and find out why I say that!

Friday, April 6, 2012

Week 15 April 8 - April 14

SUNDAY            1 Samuel 4-8
MONDAY          1 Samuel 9-12
TUESDAY         1 Samuel 13-14
WEDNESDAY  1 Samuel 15-17
THURSDAY     1 Samuel 18-20 & Psalm 11 and 59
FRIDAY            1 Samuel 21-24
SATURDAY     Psalms 7, 27, 31, 34, 52

I have always thought of First and Second Samuel as "reading like an Adventure Novel".  It's got all the elements - war, intrigue, love story and betrayal - Hollywood has never been able to top this true story of the King of Israel God chose!

Don't miss Tide Turning Tales on video!  They are available both at YouTube , Facebook page The Unity Project and of course the original blog: Tide Turning Tales! 
Know someone who would enjoy 15 minutes of practical applicatio of Biblical principles taught on Video each week? Tell them about us, and pass on our link NOW, so they can sign up to receive the Video's Weekly in their email inbox.

You are receiving this update because you signed up for THE UNITY PROJECT. (or you are signed up to follow TIDE TURNING TALES) Your comments, insights, questions or ideas are welcome, please keep them within the context of the two rules: NO ARGUMENTS (just state your view) USE SCRIPTURE (as valid as your opinion is, this isn't the forum for it).

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Coming Sunday....

EASTER - or in some circles, RESURRECTION SUNDAY is coming, and God has a specific WORD He wants spoken to all who will listen.


We'll see you HERE!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The ONLINE Tide Turning Tales Debut!

Thank you for your comments and questions, and for sharing with your friends and family!
Tide Turning Tales wants to hear from you!   Prayer requests, testimonies of what God is doing or has done in your life!  Our prayer is that the Body of Christ will come together in UNITY, strengthen and encourage one another, support one another, and together, grow DELIBERATELY to bring all Glory to God our Savior!

                                         WELCOME TO TIDE TURNING TALES ONLINE!