Good Morning! Another
beautiful day in Gods Kingdom! Yes, I’ll
bet you expected another fun video today, didn’t you? Next week.
This week, I’d like to lay some ground work for a serious subject. That subject is LIFE!
One of the wonderful things the tomb of Jesus was FULL of
that morning it was discovered He Himself had risen from the dead, was NEW
LIFE! The Apostle Paul declared that
when we receive the gift of salvation through Christ, we become NEW CREATIONS!
How wonderful! How exciting!
How difficult it is to walk in that newness of life! It requires that we change our thinking. “For as a man thinks in his heart SO IS
HE.” What you think is who you are. The instant we receive Gods free gift of
salvation through Christ, we BECOME a new creation. BEHAVING in a way that shows others that new
creation takes a bit of (ahem) “work” on our part.
We must “renew” our minds. We have to change our
thinking! What does that mean? Doesn’t that just #automagically happen? We say a quick prayer, and then VOILA’ – all
is changed, maybe we start going to church, maybe even Bible Study, but no
effort is needed on our part, right? We
asked Jesus to come live in our hearts, but then we just keep doing what we’ve
always done, the way we’ve always done it, right?
WRONG! To succeed at
ANYTHING takes deliberate effort. To
accomplish even the most menial task, we must expend some energy! To actually
get good at something takes PRACTICE.
When we “confess with our mouth that Jesus is LORD” that changes the dynamics
of HOW we are choosing to live life! If
He is LORD, that means He is the one calling the shots, so to speak.
It is no longer us living life as we think, but as He has
commanded. And that starts with finding
out WHAT he commanded, and then lining our lives up with it! We are to walk by FAITH – and faith is a verb
– an action word! No passively sitting
about for this one! We are actively
engaged in LIFE at this point. It takes
some deliberate effort, we must put out energy and begin to PRACTICE this life
as a new creation!
Stay tuned, we’re going to talk a LOT about living
DELIBERATELY over the next number of weeks and it is exciting stuff!
If you have specific
questions we welcome them at
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