Friday, June 1, 2012

PROVERBS WEEK!!! Week 23 June 3 - June 9

It's PROVERBS week!!  Wisdom oozing out all over the place!  Who doesn't want to be wise? 
Only the fool, who says in his heart "there is no God". 
Don't be foolish! 
Read this week with diligence and with wisdom, comes knowledge. 
With knowledge comes power!

"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and a SOUND MIND!"

SUNDAY                Proverbs 4-6

MONDAY              Proverbs 7-9

TUESDAY                Proverbs 10-12

WEDNESDAY         Proverbs 13-15

THURSDAY            Proverbs 16-18

FRIDAY                   Proverbs 19-21

SATURDAY         Proverbs 22-24

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