At this moment, I ask you to consider the historical record found in the book of Acts, Chapter 3 and verses 1 - 6
Verse 1: Now Peter and John went up together to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour. (NKJV)
; where two or more are gathered in the name of Jesus, He, Jesus will be there with them, this is a promise we also find in the Bible. We have two, gathered in His name, and recognizing His presence and therefore aware of His power available to them as well, they are prepared to serve His purpose as and when He directs! As you go about your daily life, are you prepared and willing to serve Him at a moments notice? Or are you so focused on your plans you have no ear or heart for His?
Verse 2: And a certain man lame from his mothers womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the gate of the temple which is called Beautiful, to ask alms of those who entered the temple.
; how many people go daily and regularly to the places where they think they will get help and assistance only to find themselves ignored, pushed aside and left in the sorry state they began in until they have simply accepted the sorry state as their lot in life? We assume "they" who laid him daily at the temple gate were family members, though it may have been anyone, willing to do no more for this man than put him in a position to beg for his sustenance from strangers.
Verse 3, 4, 5: who seeing Peter and John about to go into the temple asked for alms. And fixing his eyes on him with John Peter said "Look at us". So he gave them his attention expecting to receive something from them.
; I gather from the wording here that his seeing of John and Peter was no more than a cursory glance, a second they were in his sight as he surveyed the people coming and going, focusing on no one but himself, so hardened by time and habit that he no longer saw individuals and certainly had stopped seeking real opportunity years before, accepting his position as a lowly beggar with no further protest or even a show of attempt to do anything for himself or to change his circumstance.
It appears he had so accepted his own place as worthless, others individuality was as invisible to him as he believed himself to be virtually invisible to others.The command to "Look at us" brought clarity and attention to not just Peter and John in his sight, but forced him to "see" himself as well! By calling for focus, Peter was stripping away the invisibility and with it, the thoughts and feelings of worthlessness, forcing him to acknowledge and engage and be involved with not only those he had addressed, but involved with himself; what he was doing and why he was doing it!
Peter called him to attention! Hey!! Don't blindly continue on as before! Look and really SEE - engage with, pay attention to who and what and why and where! Wake up from this stupefying slumber of routine and dull acceptance of what has been and LOOK at the possibilities around you! Wake up from blind acceptance of what has always been, from the senses dulled by same old same old and open your eyes and your heart to what could be, what might be, what is right in front of you if you would just step out from fear and receive it!
Look past the low expectations of others and see what is being offered if you'll only move out of the shadows of "living everyday life" into the LIGHT of LIFE! Peter was filled with the Holy Ghost, he had "Christ in him, the hope of glory!" (Colossians 1:27) and Peter knew and understood that he, Peter was the LIGHT and the SALT of the world as an Ambassador for Jesus Christ.
Peter knew he had the power of real life available and he refused to allow the ways of the world to dictate his behavior. He knew this man wanted nothing but a few coins and move on so I can get to the next few coins and so EXIST until my feeble and broken and damaged body finally gives out and I can quietly die as if I never lived at all, and Peter REJECTED that stance and insisted this individual "look at us!" Peter chose not to just give a few coins and assuage his own conscience but instead to boldly insist on a full reckoning "LOOK AT US!"
WHAT WILL OTHERS SEE IF THEY REALLY AND TRULY LOOK AT US, LOOK AT OUR LIVES? Will they see Christ? Will they see the love and mercy and grace of God being lived out in our words and actions? I know in my life, TOO OFTEN in the past anyone would have been hard pressed to see true evidence of my being light and salt to anyone in any situation! They'd have expected the few coins and nothing more. As a Christian, we have so much more to offer - if and as we allow the Holy Spirit to work through us. While it is true that we ourselves have no more than the worldly things to offer, getting out of our own way and yielding to God, surrendering to Him, He then offers all His good gifts to others through us!
Verse 6: Peter said "Silver and Gold I do not have but what I have I give you; in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk!"
It is not recorded that they preached the Gospel to him, invited him to church, took him to Bible Study. They didn't hand him a tract, sing him a hymn or lecture him about his sin and the error of his ways. Freely they had received the glorious gift of abundant life that Jesus gave, and freely they offered it to one in need. No strings, no conditions, no condemnation, no judgements and no criticism. They didn't insist he change his life, stop begging or anything else. They gave what had been given them. Hope through Jesus the Savior.
Silver and gold are things which have only a temporary effect on our lives. Good for purchasing things like food and houses and clothes. But they have no lasting, eternal value whatsoever. It isn't that they are bad or evil - they aren't. Money is the system by which we function in life. The point is not to let the "system" become your God!
We are to WALK – by faith and NOT by sight. Our spiritual journey is a WALK - continual action moving forward! As silver and gold, we are to be purified in the fire of God so we are of value in this world, but we are to understand the value goes BEYOND this world, that we
are to lay up treasures in Heaven and NOT on this earth! Jesus is our DAILY BREAD, our NEED – not the things of this
world which are passing away!!
We seem "hell bent" on emulating and imitating the things of this world, rather than giving the world a reason to imitate us who claim Christ as our Savior! We are called by God to be "peculiar people", and yet we insist on "conforming" to what the world finds acceptable, we have allowed the desire to "fit in" to overcome our hearts. We have not obeyed the objective to "be NOT conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2) We haven't renewed our minds to the word of God, that it may transform us into His ways but instead have tried to contort the word of God to fit into the mold and image of the worldly ways. The message of Christ hasn't changed. Cultures have changed, people's hearts have changed, but even as Paul the Apostle entreated so many many years ago, so I now entreat you:
"Behold NOW is the accepted time, BEHOLD now is the day of salvation." (II Corinthians 6:2b)
In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I urge you to rise up and walk!
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