Raise your hand if your preference is to live in bondage, surrounded by chaos and at the mercy of stress and strife every moment of every day in every situation.
Yea, me neither!
Peace, calm, joy and reasonable happiness are a much better, much nicer alternative.
But how to achieve such a state of being in the midst of a tumultuous, chaotic world?
In the book of Philippians chapter 4 we find this section of scripture, words which almost seem to mock us in this current world of upheaval and strife!
8 Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things. 9 The things which you learned and received and heard and saw in me, these do, and the God of peace will be with you.
HOW?!?! How are we to focus on noble, pure and lovely things when arguing and fighting surrounds us? When every other person we encounter believes their version of how life should be lived is the right one, but it conflicts with all the others? HOW CAN WE ACHIEVE A SENSE OF PEACE AND BALANCE?
The entirety of Philippians holds the key:
Phil 1 -
Prayer is the beginning of peace taking hold of our thoughts and feelings
1: 12 -
Trusting God with the outcomes of whatever situations we find ourselves in
recognizing that our lives are filled with hope and joy when Christ is our Savior, and that because we have Eternal Life in Him we have no fear of the future or of death itself
2: 1-11
That when we put our hope in Christ, we are free from trying to "make something of ourselves" - for He has already made the best something of us we can ever be - Sons and Daughters of the Living God - and that by lifting and loving and caring for others, we ourselves will be cared for by the Creator of all things
What peace, not to carry weight on our own shoulders, but to be carried!
we can rejoice greatly with abandon when we hold onto His words of truth. They will sustain us, strengthen us and hold us up, even when we suffer for His sake. For we know that the suffering, due to the misery of this world, lasts only a moment, but the JOY coming is everlasting!
3: 1-15
We are warned and aware of the dangers to avoid, and put no trust in our fleshly ability to overcome, but allow His mighty Holy Spirit to bring us to victory! We are not there yet, but we know what our end will be; life eternal in the presence of the King of Kings and Lord of Lords!
When we live in unity with those who believe in Him and encourage one another in this walk of life, we discover that indeed, we have
PEACE that passes all understanding
HARMONY with our brothers and sisters in Christ
STRENGTH to overcome wicked perversity
JOY that cannot be extinguished
We turn over all things in prayer to God the Father, and receive with thankfulness His answers and our lives are ordered, calm, and a beacon of light to others that they, too, can bask in the safety of the harbor of Gods great love, grace and mercy!
Pick up the Book, read these great words and be motivated in your life today!
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