OH LORD! Bring about AWAKENING of Your people and great REVIVAL among the lost and wandering!
Lord, bring forth Your word spoken through Joel:
Wake up people of God!
Cry out to the Lord!
"LORD - deliver us from our grieving! The Day of the Lord is at hand! Pour out Your Spirit upon Your sons and Your daughters, to declare the Day of the Lord is at hand! As Your Ambassadors, let us sound the alarm and declare with boldness that we must must turn to the Lord, Who is gracious and compassionate! There must be a repentance of our sins and a seeking after the righteousness and holiness of God our Creator, Master of all heaven and all earth! Let the days be filled with proclamations of God's goodness and mercy! Pray that many will turn from wickedness and be filled with the Holy Spirit of the Living God!"
As I woke this morning, I was pleasantly surprised to discover this very freeing and most glorious thought filling my mind and heart:
It really doesn't matter what is going on in the world AROUND me; it matters only what is going on WITHIN me!
When it isn't about WHAT we trust, but about WHO we put our trust in, and our trust is in the Everlasting God, our minds are filled with peace and our hearts hold right attitude that keeps us joyful and hopeful, in all things and through all things!
If we base our thoughts, attitudes and behaviors on the conditions and actions of the world around us it is no wonder at all that we would be fearful and terribly discouraged! The god of this world, the devil, has only one mission: DECEIVE PEOPLE SO THEY WON'T WORSHIP THE ONE TRUE GOD OR TRUST IN THE SAVIOR, JESUS!
He does this by working through PEOPLE! He works through religious people to deceive even Gods elect if possible. John 10:10 tells us the works of religious leaders who have given themselves completely over to the deceit and have set themselves up as something to be adored and worshipped by their foolish pride! They kill, steal and destroy! They keep the very people God intended them to serve, enslaved to their whims and selfish human desires!
In Jesus' day, the religious leaders set themselves against the very Savior they claimed they were seeking diligently for, waiting for and hoping for! When He came, they were so enamored of their own high status and financial prosperity, they continued to "use" the name of God to legitimize their actions, but they no longer worshipped or served God or God's people! They served themselves - just like their father the devil! (See John 8:44)
Because of this, they were blinded to the truth, even when He stood right in front of them and declared He was the One they had been seeking and waiting for! Instead of rejoicing, they were afraid of Him, set themselves against Him and ultimately caused His arrest and imprisonment that led to His crucifixion!
Religion can lead you far from the Lord and cannot set you free! Church attendance, while helpful to your growth (if truth is taught!) cannot set you free! Head knowledge about the Lord cannot and will not set you free from doubts, worries and fears.
There is only ONE who sets truly FREE INDEED and that is Christ the Savior!
In the words of our Savior I implore you today: REPENT, for the Kingdom of God is at hand! Ask and receive forgiveness of your sin through the sacrifice Jesus made of His life on the cross to pay every penalty for you! Trust His work and believe that God raised Him from the dead and you SHALL BE SAVED! Let today be the last day you face the concerns and evils of this world alone.
We'd love to pray with you; fill out the prayer request form in the upper left of the screen. Go to a local church and talk to them about your decision to walk with Christ on your side and living in your heart.
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