How would you describe AWE? Does God AWE you? Does His Majesty and Holiness inspire AWE in you? I know it does me! I am in total AWE of Him, His grace, His goodness, His Mercy that I don’t have any business receiving and He just keeps on giving to me anyway! That AWE is not based on Him giving me anything and everything I ask for, no, that would be too easy. Christianity is NOT that easy! Surrender, commitment, OBEDIENCE, dieing to SELF, living for others, giving and trusting and being vulnerable and transparent. NO! NO! NO! Christianity is not easy and not for the timid!
Awe is based on Who He is, who I am, and our relationship. Yup, you heard me, relationship-not religion or a religious experience, but an ongoing, evergrowing, continual relationship with the Creator. The more I get to know Him, the more I realize I don’t know Him at all, and the closer He draws me, the closer I desire to be. The more I see, the more I realize there is so much yet to be seen. He is beyond our comprehension, and yet He wants us to know Him! Since that is so far beyond our ability, it has to come directly from Him in a form that is more than I am – and that form is Spirit. God is Spirit. Not ‘a’ spirit, He IS SPIRIT and those that want to know Him must do so in SPIRIT.
Yet, He relates to us on our level, too. In our flesh, He speaks to us, fellowships with us, spends time with us, makes Himself known to us, answers our prayers, shows us in tangible ways His great love for us. Just when I need Him most, He always shows me that He’s there, He’s always been there, and He’ll always be there. I’ll bet you can relate to that, I’ll bet you’ve experienced it. And what does it inspire in you? I’ll tell you what it inspires in me – WORSHIP. Pure, unadulterated, JOY filled WORSHIP of my Creator, my Savior, my God! Hebrews says that those who come to God must believe that HE IS. He is. Not that He is this or that, not that He is this way, or like this, or about that. But simply, finally, fully, always and in totality – in completeness – He IS. Hmmmm….wrap your thoughts around that for a moment or two. He…..IS. Why has satan, that old devil, put so much effort into getting people to “think” they don’t believe in His very existence? Could it be for this simple reason? Could it be this easy?
Could it be that we don’t have to have all the theology down, all the doctrine perfect, the whole Bible memorized, and know the names of all 12 disciples in the order in which they were called? We don’t have to have our lives all cleaned up and shiny and perfectly in order? We don’t need to pay money, attend every church service ever invented, recite prayers by rote, and NEVER< EVER have a bad day or say a cross word or think a mean thought or stumble or even worse FALL or my heavens even commit a SIN- God forbid!!
Is it possible that what He desires, seeks, asks of us, is that we acknowledge that HE IS? And then some? And that He rewards those who go a step beyond that and actually seek HIM?!? Could it be, that AWE, might be about WORSHIP after all? To know His word is to know Him. I could site lots and lots of bible verses, I know them, I’ve been trained to teach and preach them. And I LOVE preaching His Word. Here’s an interesting thought I’ve been kicking around: the more I get to know His Word (and I highly recommend it to everyone!) the more in AWE of Him I am at how simple He keeps things, and how complicated we human beings make them. (I’m automatically thinking of scripture reference in ICorinthians here!)
Is awe of Him a form of worship? When we appreciate Him, His word, His creation, His Gift of salvation…all of these things, then do our lives reflect, dare I say it… Him? When we are struck deep in our heart and soul by all He has made, and the wonder of it, the majesty of it, the beauty of it, the perfection of it all – and we acknowledge that HE IS, does awe translate to:
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