Friday, April 23, 2010

Grace and other blessings…

I well remember the day I was frustrated over something and cried out in my frustration “Oh God, when will I get this right and be a reflection of Jesus instead of this sinful lump of clay that I am?” God, in His great and infinite patience answered me, and I will never forget the simple answer He gave. “I designed your journey to last your whole lifetime. Are you finished living?” “NO!” I cried, and began by His mercy to accept that quite often, even though I am aware and learning and in many cases know the principles, and even teach them to others of living a sacrificed life before the Lord our God, there would always be further lessons to learn.
This week, I’ve learned quite a few of them! If you’ve read Clays blog entry, you’ve an idea of how God has been directing our steps. Over and over in this past month I am reminded of Hebrews 11:6- those that come to the Lord must believe that HE IS…… Those 2 words are bigger than I’ve ever considered them before, bigger than when I taught them as BIG WORDS. Bigger and of more significance than we can begin to wrap our heads around. HE IS. Before time was, HE IS. In the beginning, HE IS. Well, I’ll save that musing for another time. So here we are, picking our way through this new lifestyle one step at a time and a need arises. A tooth at the back of my head decides to make itself a nuisance. My husband, bless his cotton socks, asks a local pastor we’ve met if he knows a dentist. He does and gives a number. We call and as Clays blog indicates, we are blessed by an office full of Believers who want to be a blessing to these little old believers. While the hygienist is setting up and taking xrays, we share stories. I tell her about our adventure, she tells me how she came to Christ, and then she shares her pastors name and number with me.
On the way home from the dentist the Lord disciplines me about His grace. See, the dentist decided to bless me and correct my tooth ache NO CHARGE. I was UNGRACIOUS (ouch!!!!!) and insisted on paying at least for the xray cost. God spoke to my heart and told me that’s how I was treating His grace! I need grace, I want grace, I seek grace, I ask for grace and when He freely gives me grace, I then, OUT OF PRIDE (sin), try to pay for it!! OW! OW! OW! How it grieves my heart to know that I have stepped on the toes of my loving Father and He forgives me. Grace is free, NO CHARGE. I will be apologizing to the dentist and his staff when I see them next, and I will accept with GRACE the grace they’ve chosen to show me as a free gift from God.
I could easily continue this blog post, because God went on to do some wondrous things on Thursday, but I don’t want to tire everyone out with reading! Stay tuned! I’m telling you true, GOD IS UP TO SOMETHING AND I’M SO THANKFUL CLAY AND I ARE ALONG FOR THE RIDE!

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