Saturday, May 8, 2010

A different Kind of Lifestyle...

Most people find a "comfort zone" and stay there. Humans, we're creatures of habit and a comfort zone is, well, comfortable! Take the church thing as an example. Many find a church and then stay there - forever. I've always admired those people, truth be told, I've just never been able to be one of them! God put something else in my heart, and I've got to be true to what God has called me to. So when you tell people your going to do something, they naturally ask "with what church?" People can't imagine doing something outside of what they are comfortable with, and I understand that. I don't want to live that way, but I understand it. When we began to tell friends and family about this "missions trip" we're on, they asked, "with what church?" Hmmm... Gods church? Is that an acceptable answer? The bible tells us that WE are the church of God. Wherever we are, that's where the church is, or should be.
It's a different way to live. Outside the "norm" and outside the conventional lines. In a way, this IS our "comfort zone", doing the different - seeking new ways to connect with people, new ways to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and new ways to be a living sacrifice as Romans calls us to be. Sometimes, I must admit, it's a little frightening, not having conventional things to "fall back on", but mostly, it's so very exciting and the most wonderful adventure life can be! We never know what might happen next! Maybe, nothing. But maybe, EVERYTHING!!
As long as God keeps opening doors, we'll keep walking through by FAITH, and enjoy living DIFFERENTLY.

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