Tuesday, May 18, 2010


God has so graciously opened doors for Clay and I to share the glorious gospel of salvation in many avenues we never would have thought of on our own. In addition to these opportunities, He has been opening other doors as well. It amazes me how this great God works! Clay has always thought I should "play" his keyboard - adding drums and bass guitar to his guitar for the original Worship songs we've written. The first time we tried - uh-oh! Disaster! A little prayer, a little trust in the Lord, and one tiny unseen "tickler" help sheet from my wonderful hubby, and we sound like an entire orchestra instead of just us two! All the glory goes to God, for without Him, none of this would be possible or happening. Saturday, May 22nd, we've been invited to participate in the Port St Lucie Christian Church neighborhood outreach Pig Roast picnic - where we will sing and share the salvation message. Clay will debut his newest worship/evangelist song called "A voice crying in the Wilderness". If I knew how to do the You Tube, or put video on the web here or Facebook, I would put it out for all of you to hear. It really is phenominal and Spirit inspired!
Please keep us in prayer as we prepare for the OPPORTUNITIES God is providing for outreach! Blessings upon you in Jesus Name!

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