Friday, March 16, 2012

SUCH EXCITEMENT!! WEEK 12 Mar 18 - Mar 24

The Chronological Order for this coming week:

SUNDAY    -         Deuteronomy 24-27
MONDAY    -        Deuteronomy 28-29
TUESDAY    -       Deuteronomy 30-31
WEDNESDAY    -   Deuteronomy 32-34 & Psalm 91*
THURSDAY    -   Joshua 1-4
FRIDAY    -           Joshua 5-8
SATURDAY    -     Joshua 9-11

I cannot speak for any but myself - this re-reading of the Old Testament is so exciting I can hardly stand it!  Not only have I been made RE-AWARE of the incredible filth in Gods eyes of our sin, reminding me how incredibly THANKFUL I am to live in this age of GRACE, but how true Gods words are, how applicable to my life, how wondrous this great thing called LIFE really is!  To be lived as an ADVENTURE!  Not to exist, drift by, float through - but to GRAB HOLD and make the most of!!

I feel more alive than I have in the past, and more at peace!  What a GREAT ADVENTURE is this wonderful LIFE God has created for us to live!!


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Thank you and God richly BLESS YOU from Turn the Tide Ministries!

                           LOVE DELIBERATELY

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