Sunday, March 25, 2012

GRACE - on demand. Part 5

The elegant beauty of Gods favor and goodness.

Elegant - beautiful - favorable in the sight of God, the Creator of ALL.  Goodness - what is goodness?

I believe we are so convinced of our own "badness" that we just cannot accept any "goodness" without "working hard" on our part to have some semblence of "earning" it.

GRACE = the FREE gift of God the Creator to His creation in order that they may walk in harmony with Him without any sense of guilt, condemnation or unworthiness. 

GRACE= already paid for with a mighty price we can never replicate and must never even try to replicate!

GRACE= a sense of peace and calm, knowing you are loved, wanted, and treasured by ONE whose standard and demands you could never measure up to!  So He set you free from any sense of "measuring up".   He pays the price your freedom costs.  He "BLESSES" you.

GRACE= an incredible gift that draws you in and fills you up and declares that you are a part, a vital, imporant, loved part of a whole - a whole family.

GRACE= opening doors to everything good and right and joyful and clean and healthy and beneficial and extraordinary you've ever dreamed of and knew you could not achieve on your own, now yours by divine right and privilege as a child of the Living God.

And it comes with no strings attached.  Nope, none.  There is structure to living a GRACE filled life, but there are no strings.  Grace is the free gift - please see Grace - on demand Part 3 for details.   No strings means you can't earn it, so you can't LOSE IT either!  It's yours when you have opened your heart to the Salvation Jesus made available to you on the cross. See Grace - on demand Part 4 to understand what that means and how you receive it.

By structure, I don't mean there are rules, regulations and "steps" to be followed! * you guessed it!  See Grace - on demand Part 1.   Structure has to do with free operation within certain boundaries.  For instance, Paul declared "all things are lawful for me, but not all things are helpful" in I Corinthians 6:12 and 10:23. 

He was instructing the New Creations in Christ in living within the structure of Grace.  There is FREEDOM - but not every action of freedom enhances that freedom.  Your actions (sin for instance) can actually hinder your freedom...which is why I expressed earlier in Part 3 that Grace isn't freedom to sin but instead, freedom from sin. 

 Let me be graphic.  You are FREE.  If you choose to walk off the edge of a 60 story building, you may do so.  However, though you continue to be FREE in making that choice, you've crossed the boundaries of the structure, by your own choice, and the consequence of that choice IS NOT HELPFUL.  For you will by the law of gravity hit the ground at a rate hard enough to crush life from your body. 

You were free - but leaving the STRUCTURE of that freedom had a very bad end.  Graphic, I know, but you get the point I hope.  Grace operates within a structure - the structure of Gods loving will for His dear children.  Operate in the structure, and you will find such blessed joy!

Want to know more?  Join us on a journey through Gods Word, the Bible, at The Unity Project.  Contact us directly with any questions, thoughts, comments or concerns.  The great walk of Grace is not done in solitary, but in Unity with others.  God has so GRACIOUSLY called us to a family, so we can encourage, support and help one another.  By His Grace, we live and move and breathe and have our being.  Happy Grace to you!

NEXT SUNDAY, APRIL 1ST, TIDE TURNING TALES GOES LIVE!  You'll find the link right here for the video.  Sign up NOW and you'll get the updates and video right in your inbox #automagically!

Turn the Tide Ministries; Changing lives one at a time...

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