Friday, September 24, 2010

Lee Iacocco- REALLY??!!!???!

I just received an email which supposedly was a posting by Lee Iaccoco, blasting this economy, this President and this Congress-both houses, thank you. I don't know how real or not this post is or isn't, but one thing I will say - the call in this email for every Patriotic American to WAKE UP, SMELL THE SMOKE AND FIGURE OUT THERE REALLY IS A FIRE RAGING OUT OF CONTROL (my words, not the emails) is certainly for real. I usually reserve this blog for posts about our ministry, our walk with God and relationship with Jesus Christ the Savior.

Well, this is about all those things and more!

I've gotta be truthful here - I honestly don't believe that the America I know and LOVE can be saved! Economically, I believe we've been doomed by very poor management of our resources for so long, it's as hopeless a case as any third world country has ever faced.

HOWEVER - I do believe that the PEOPLE of this country are SAVABLE!!!
It isn't popular, but it sure is the TRUTH - there is most emphatically a CREATOR, GOD, Who has set this whole world up according to His own plan and purpose. We, the very creature He created, have separated ourselves from His perfect plan through SIN- living according to our own will and desire rather than His.

You may ask yourself at this point - WHY SHOULD I CARE? WHY SHOULDN'T I JUST LIVE MY LIFE THE WAY I SEE FIT? The answer is actually pretty simple, theologians everywhere please forgive me for this opinion, but IT ISN'T COMPLICATED!

You can live the way YOU want. And you can pay the consequence of that choice, both now, in what you reap to yourself by your actions and words right now on this earth, and also ETERNALLY - by what you reap to yourself by your actions and words. Every person is CREATED by a living God and therefore, like it or not, subject to the rules this God set up. Since WE are not the Creators, we don't get to set the rules!

You can ignore Him and His rules, claim you don't 'BELIEVE" in them, rant and rave all you care to against them - and it still won't change the TRUTH that He created this whole thing - the earth and all that's in it and on it, each person, the whole galaxy and every part of it - and He can do with it JUST AS HE PLEASES IN SPITE OF YOUR UNBELIEF.

Unbelief did not stop Jesus from coming the first time, and it won't stop Him from coming the second time. ETERNITY will not disappear just because you don't want to deal with it.

YOUR CHOICE: Eternity in the presence of the Living God who loves you and WILL accept you by a simple confession of faith in Him, or Eternity spent in (His description, not mine)torment and darkness where there is misery and gnashing of teeth.

It isn't popular, but it is THE TRUTH. Salvation from SIN and HELL is found ONLY in Jesus Christ. There is no other way, no other truth and NO GETTING OUT OF IT BY IGNORING IT.

America may very well be on Her way to destruction - but you don't have to be!

1 comment:

Cherie Kaye Golladay said...

You go girlfriend! I agree with you!