Friday, September 3, 2010

The Updates

when God begins to do a "work" in your own heart, one you've asked for, submitted to, but it's still a struggle in the flesh, it's hard to encourage others and be real upbeat about everything! We've asked the Lord to take us deeper, separate us more completely from the things of this world, and increase our desire and compassion for the lost. WOW! He's answering, and I am telling you the truth, our flesh isn't liking it very much! YET... in the spirit, we are rejoicing for He is showing us things we've not seen before. We are understanding His written word as if we've never even seen it before, and peace? No, not the false peace of flesh needs, but the "peace that passes all understanding", that we have.

Our prayer life has grown by leaps and bounds, and folks will tell you, I was no slouch in the prayer department before this Great Adventure began! Through the growth of our prayer life, we are learning - we aren't there, but we are learning - not to regard our "reputation" or our EGO, but to regard the Lord alone! Tough, but WORTH IT!!! We'll keep you posted, you keep praying for us!

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