Thursday, September 9, 2010

Whose Report? Part Two

Aren't we just the same as those Jewish people? We "spy out the land" - and we see the evidence of God - we see the truth of His existence, of His involvement in our lives - and then our flesh rises up and BLINDS us to that truth and convinces us of a lie instead! We become convinced that WE ARE NOT ABLE to do as God has instructed us to do!

Now here's the thing - THAT'S THE TRUTH!! WE ARE NOT ABLE! He is the One Who Able! He works IN US, to will and to do of His good pleasure! He makes us New Creations in Christ! he leads us in paths of righteousness.
HE DOES IT, NOT US! Ezekiel 36:25-27 was highlighted for me some years ago, and it was an epiphany, to realize that God does it - we just yield to His work!!

We go and do and He brings the increase - He causes us to triumph - HE ORCHESTRATES THE VICTORY!!

Many years ago, I heard someone teach that FEAR is simply False Evidence Appearing Real. That has stayed with me, and when I see things, I measure them according to what the Bible tells me is truth, and not according to what my eyes are thinking they see. Not easy, but makes a difference in how I live, so my life is more surrendered to Him and less surrendered to this world.

Fear will defeat us everytime. Keeping ourselves at the feet of Jesus "de-feets" fear! Without "feet" - it can't take us anywhere! We don't deny the realities of our circumstances and situations, we simply hold those realities up to the truths of Gods promises. when our hope is in Him rather than the things of this world, FAITH overcomes the supposed worldly realities. We simply don't put our hope and trust in "reality", we put our hope and trust in Christ alone! his truths, His promises!
Then our FAITH has FEET and will take us to victory through Christ!

Praying your faith has feet to take you to His plan for your life!

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