SUNDAY Judges 8-9
MONDAY Judges 10-12
TUESDAY Judges 13-15
WEDNESDAY Judges 16 - 18
THURSDAY Judges 19 -21
SATURDAY Samuel 1 - 3
WEDNESDAY Judges 16 - 18
THURSDAY Judges 19 -21
SATURDAY Samuel 1 - 3
I just finished reading last weeks chapters, and I don't pretend to understand all spiritual things, but I see such correlation between the physical activity of the Israelites, and what SHOULD BE the spiritual activity in our lives!
We are to take the land and obey God! We fall short - we don't obey completely, we don't complete the task and then we wonder, God, why aren't I being blessed???? Sometimes, I wonder if the physical fight might not be easier than the battle in our hearts! I don't know, but it's something to think about. Was the physical fight any less or any more demanding than the spiritual one we fight? Share your thoughts-just click on Comment below!
GRACE-on demand is not only posted on the Blog, but beginning April, we will be posting the Sunday Sermon Blogs on Video! They'll be available both at YouTube, GodTube, and right here on Tide Turning Tales! Know someone who would enjoy 20 minutes of Bible Teaching on Video each week? Tell them about us, and pass on our link NOW, so they can sign up to receive the Video's Weekly in their email inbox.
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