Sunday, February 5, 2012

GRACE-on demand!    Follow this link, and enjoy some background music (May I suggest the song "The Greatest Miracle"?) while you read the following:

Like most people nowadays, I keep up with what others are doing, thinking and saying mostly by Facebook.  The posts and comments give me a fairly accurate view into the hearts and thought processes of those around me, as well as a birds eye view into the lives of those around them!
Since I am a Christian and operating an Evangelistic Ministry a great deal of the information swirling in my circles has to do with the Bible, and what people think about the Bible, God and religion as well as relationships - with other people and with God Himself, particularly the Person of Jesus.

In this society of "do your own thing" many organizations have tightened the reigns, so to speak, on activity considered religious.  Church attendance, behavior, interaction with others and with the God we serve.  As the society as a whole appears to be "loosening up" its moral compasses, the church appears to be reacting - either by tightening up or going too far in the opposite direction and behaving too loose!   Being "uptight" has never been a popular position!  However, the truth is that being uptight has never been Gods position!

Before you get uptight about this idea, stay with me a moment.  I am not in any way suggesting that God is about loose morals or slack values.  Quite the opposite is the truth.  God IS moral, He IS the value, He is the STANDARD by which all else is measured.  But He isn't "uptight" about it all.

Uptight conveys a certain rigid, unyielding and even frightened and standoffish stance on everything around you. Uptight results from insecurity, instability and fear.  None of that describes God Almighty, Maker of Heaven and Earth and everything in it including people!

Neither is the Lord God loose as a goose as the saying goes!  Anything goes and its all alright with Him!  As I stated earlier, He IS the moral compass, the righteous standard and the JUST measure of all things!  How does all this balance out?

GRACE.  Grace balances the scales of everything.  Over the next several weeks, we'll take a long, hard look at the Old Testament, and how God related and balanced in that time FOR that time, and the New Testament, showing how He relates and balances things now, in our time, for our benefit.

Grace is a simple word conveying a simple message that impacts us beyond our comprehension!  Grace brings balance and stability and works to point our moral compasses in a righteous direction.  Grace is as much part of God as all that GOD IS.

God is LOVE; God is LIGHT; God is JUST; God is MERCY; God is HOLY; God is RIGHTEOUS; God is JUDGE; God is CREATOR; God is all of this and more, and we'll look at different aspects of this, and consider how it effects our lives, our choices, our hopes and dreams and our ETERNITY.

Stay tuned....GRACE is coming your way!

This message is the work of Turn the Tide Ministries.  All rights reserved.  You are free to copy, share, repost, digest, comment, or just recieve the message of Salvation through Jesus Christ!  We all aware or unawares have sinned against - broken the cord of fellowship - with God the Father Who Created us and are in need of His forgiveness.  In His infinite mercy, He sent His Son Jesus to the earth as a Sacrifice in our place, to pay the penalty of sin - death - so we, by confessing our sin and asking could receive forgiveness and have eternal life with God through Jesus.  "By GRACE you are saved, and not of works, lest any man should boast."  Ephesians 2:8

1 comment:

Stan Carlock said...

Awesome! I shared this on Facebook in a group I am in.