Friday, February 18, 2011

Door to Door

What a wonderful day, door to door evangelizing with Pastor Bill of St. Lucie Presbyterian! Some gentle folks who appeared to "humor" us by not slamming the door in our faces, and then the self labeled "pagan" family....

yep, that's what they told us when they opened the door - that they were avowed pagans. except..... one of the daughters. She had rejected the witchcraft, tarot cards etc in favor of a desire to know God and to read His word. My heart about popped out of my chest. The young lady could very well have been me, 45 years earlier! No, not in looks (she's way cuter!) but in hearts desire!

How does God do that? Call to a heart enveloped in darkness? Shrouded in darkness? Surrounded by darkness? I don't know the answer to that, but I know that He does it!

Her Mom invited us in to talk to her - which surprised me - NOT! God knew just what He was doing! And so, I was PRIVILEGED - YES - PRIVILEGED to pray with this young lady, talk with her about what she was reading in the Bible, encourage her and offer some direction! We then took hands and prayed for the healing of her father, and for her continued growth. We invited her to the concert we're doing in her neighborhood in another week.

Do I even need to mention her inclusion on my prayer list?

Now, tell me again about the insignificance of knocking on someone's door?

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