Sunday, March 10, 2013

Perspective, perception and REALITY

Prayer and faith go hand in hand.  Whether you have great faith or little faith, prayer will increase your faith as you exercise it.  You may start out tentatively calling out in doubt and even fear to the Lord, uncertain of being heard, and find yourself ending in strength of conviction that you are not only heard but will be answered.   Many of the Psalms David the King of Israel wrote express themselves in like manner.  You can hear David struggling with faith, crying out “why do my enemies appear to be prospering while I who worship God am suffering?”  As David relates the events occurring as he is experiencing them, another concept becomes obvious to the astute observer.  

In relating through prayer his experience of these events as he sees them through his own eyes, his vision begins to change so mightily that by the end of the prayer, though nothing has occurred in the physical world to warrant it,  David’s prayer has dramatically changed from his narrow perspective focused on himself to a broader sense of these events causing him to give glory and praise to God, who he can now recognize as working in the situations he has been praying about!  This is so beautifully illustrated in Psalm 78 that I often go there when I am in need of reminder that how I see things and how God sees things are very different.  I have learned to trust His viewpoint far more than my limited one.

Have you ever shared a memory with a sibling or friend and found your memories do not even appear related?  What you remember and what they remember sound like two completely separate memories entirely.  It is the same as when two people give their account of an accident.  Each heard and saw the same thing but may relate what they experienced so differently it doesn’t seem like they witnessed the same event at all.  Many have dismissed the Biblical accounts of Jesus’ ministry recorded in the four gospels precisely for the reason that they appear to contradict one another at certain points.  When in fact, those differences in the accounts actually prove that the events were witnessed by real people and are not simply stories being recited by memory. 

Perception is our reality, and how we perceive things to be will dictate our actions and our reactions to circumstances.  On our own, we haven’t really the capacity for TRUTH, since everything is filtered through our personal belief systems which are based on our history, our experiences and largely what we've been taught.  Through prayer we are brought into agreement with truth that is larger than our understanding which then changes our perspective, taking us out of our narrow viewpoint and opening our hearts to Gods viewpoint which is perfect and Eternal and all encompassing.  

With that changed perspective achieved it then changes our perception of all that surrounds and concerns us.  That change now has the power through the Holy Spirit to change our belief system.  What we believe is the catalyst to changing our hearts and out of the heart come the issues of LIFE.  In this manner God accomplishes great changes in our lives, now leading us by His spirit into TRUTH, guiding us out of narrow thinking that is focused on ourselves and leading us into His perspective of love and grace which we now by the power of that Spirit have the ability to bestow upon others, building up the Body of Christ in LOVE.
Practical application of biblical truth in action, which has the power of God to change our world!

Thank you for joining Tide Turning Tales!  Each week, we bring you stories of our travels as we share the Gospel of salvation through Christ Jesus, application of principles from the Bible we know will bless your life or just words of encouragement, which we all need on a regular basis to navigate the rough waters of this world.
We welcome your Prayer Requests and your comments!

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