Friday, July 3, 2015

All the Colors in the Rainbow

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.... 
Genesis 1:1

If you believe that, there is a long succession of events, all of which tie back to that one statement.

And if you don't choose to trust and believe that first and fundamental statement of truth you are lost to all truth that God the Creator has revealed to His creation.  

Personally, the idea of being anchored to a standard, even when I fail miserably to meet that standard, offers me hope.

Hope for a bright tomorrow, when I just might reach high enough.

Hope for existence when this physical life, which we all know without doubt has an expiration date, has played out.

Hope for change.  Hope for something more.  Hope for reason and purpose that go beyond my limited wisdom and understanding.  

I'm not saying I like all the truth standards that have been set by this Spirit Being we call God.  I can't even say I fully comprehend all of it. Much of it escaped my understanding; until I became a parent.  

Many times I made decisions I knew were BEST for my children.  And many is the time they disagreed! They even tried arguing the logic with me.

Sometimes they choose to disobey.  At those times they paid consequences for their disobedience.  

Once in a while we were all blessed to see the wisdom of my decisions over theirs, since I knew more than they did, and I understood things they didn't grasp yet.  But whether they understood or agreed, there were consequences to disobeying.  

Those consequences were not always in my power to control.  

That's why I asked them to obey even if they didn't agree or understand.

If they disregarded my rule about looking before crossing the street, the consequence could have been as tragic as death.

I remember my oldest son one time snarled at me when I reminded him to stop and wait for the cross walk light.  He insisted he had the right of way and the cars were supposed to stop for him in the cross walk.

Technically, he was correct.  The law stated that pedestrians in a cross walk had the right of way legally.

In reality, he was flirting with disaster.  By disregarding the safety rule I was trying to enforce; stop and look before crossing; if a car didn't stop, right or wrong, legal or illegal, his flesh body would pay a high price regardless of any consequence to the driver.

The possibility of such a high price, death, was the uncontrollable consequence my rule was intended to save him from. He didn't "believe" he would be hit by a car and he surely didn't believe he would die if he was hit.  But his belief or unbelief wasn't going to be the deciding factor.  If a car hit him at a high enough speed, he would probably be killed.  So I put a rule in place to protect him.

The rule didn't make him "feel" the way he wanted to feel.
The rule was restrictive to his way of thinking, because he didn't believe anything bad would happen to him.
The rule kept him from doing what he wanted to do.

But the rule was put in place because I LOVE him.

Not because I wanted to control him.
Not because I wanted to make him "feel" bad.
Not because I didn't want him to be happy.

But because it was BEST for him; I enforced the rule.  And because I am the parent I didn't owe an explanation or have to defend my decision to do what I knew to be right and best for my child.

In the beginning God created..... in that truth is this truth.  God created us.  Each and every wonderful one of us.  In this respect, God is our parent.  He knows more than we do.  He LOVES us.  So He has put certain "rules" in place to protect us from our own foolishness.

If we disregard the rules there are consequences.  We can't be angry at God when we get hurt or killed or sick or made miserable by the consequences of our actions when we disobey His instructions that He gave us for our good.

Rainbows are a beautiful reminder of Gods awesome love and grace.  The rainbow was a symbol given by God to let His precious created people know that He wouldn't lose His temper and flood the entire earth ever again.

But there are consequences to our actions.  Negative consequences in some cases, that are paid whether we "believe" in them or not.

Gods truth remains true at all times, for all people.

Before we get too caught up in applauding a decision contrary to Gods truth, we might want to consider that truth very, very carefully.

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