Tuesday, April 13, 2010

and now we see what happens....

okay, I think I've got this Posting blog thing down, but no counting of the chickens and all that. hopefully, I've linked successfully to our website page link ( and hopefully people will actually read this blog!
This is all about the ADVENTURE! The adventure of my lifetime, but also for others, because not everyone is called and gifted to do what Clay and I are doing, but they can still be part of the adventure through this blog for instance.

For those signing on who want to catch up, here's what is going on. I started reading the Bible when I was 6 years old. And the thing is, I believe it. Every single word without exception. Because I believed it, I started to act on it. And because I started to act on it, I've seen some incredible things happen! In spite of my making outrageous mistakes and bad decisions and committing outright SIN against God, I've watched God TRANSFORM my life and seem some awesome miracles! God put it in my heart to travel the United States and preach the Gospel. No formal plans laid out in advance, no specific places to go, no known source of income. Just a call by Him to 'GO AND PREACH THE GOSPEL'. Then, He blessed me with an incredible husband with the same heart - all off we went! Closed down our ice cream shop, gave up everything, sold all we were able, and got into the little 20 foot RV God gave us and left our beloved Colorado. We are currently in Jensen Beach Florida and it has been GREAT!!!

Stay tuned, I'll fill you in on all the exciting details in future blogs. And it has been exciting! God Almighty is.....

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