Monday, August 23, 2010

Is He Lord in "your" life?

Funny thing happened when I was praying - I was asking God to do some things in "my" life, and was meditating on His word, and some of the things He has already promised to do, when this thought seemingly from nowhere appeared. It went something like this: "my life?" Is this truly my life, if it is conducted as He instructs, as a living sacrifice? If I truly believe that I was bought with a great price, His blood shed on Calvary for me, isn't it now "His life"? Since He paid for it, doesn't it belong to Him? Isn't it just a loaner now, and He is gracious enough to let me do what I want with it, even if I choose NOT to obey Him?

I spent some serious time thinking, praying and thinking some more about this, and here are some of the things I thought. I hope they may spur you to deeper considerations along this line, and encourage you in your personal walk with the God who created you.

If I say I trust Him, and this life is His to direct as He see's fit since He bought it, and He wants the very BEST for me - why should it be hard to obey Him? Shouldn't it in fact be now very EASY to obey Him?

Faith becomes a little easier to consider, too, when it's no longer applied from an uncertain position of "my life needs", but now applied from the sure position of "This life You Bought" needs...

Since this is now His life, which I get to live, but is provided for by Him - it's like having a very well off Daddy, and He owns this grand mansion, lands, cars and more than plenty in every category. Sure, there are always going to be those who don't like my Daddy, so they won't be all that nice to me, either. However, He is my Daddy, so I have FREE USE of all that's His and He will make sure there's gas in the car because He doesn't want His car stuck on the side of the road. And there will always be heat for the house, because He provides for the need of all He owns. Do you see where I'm going with this? If it is no longer "my life" but truly His life I'm living for His purpose, He will provide now and forever for what is needful. No worries, no fears. Even if(WHEN, really, for these bodies are temporary!)this physical body ends, ETERNAL life with Him continues!

It's a can't lose situation! As if there weren't already lots of benefits and NO DOWNSIDE to surrendering "our lives" to the one true God, here's a perfectly logical and reasonable insight into why it makes so much sense!

Now, I'm not talking about religious activity - that's for another blog entry!

Religious activity is NOT a substitute for RELATIONSHIP WITH JESUS CHRIST OUR SAVIOR! We've got to have that part down first. Recognize we are sinners in need of a Savior, accept the salvation offered by Jesus' shed blood, repent of our sins and ask forgiveness, receive that forgiveness, and the work of the Holy Spirit begins!

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