Tuesday, August 17, 2010


The last couple of weeks have been incredible. At our regular Tuesday morning service at the nursing home, we've witnessed a SECOND breakthrough which is very
exciting! I reported a few blogs ago about the woman who had been attending the services, and began talking again after almost a year of silence! This week, she is not only talking, she is talking about learning to play the DRUMS at the ripe age of
80 something (maybe even 90 something! I didn't dare ask!) She has a new lease on life itself - now that she knows she has eternal life through Jesus Christ the Lord! She isn't thinking in terms of how much time has gone by, but in how to BEST use the time in the flesh on this earth she still has and how to GLORIFY her Savior with it! Praise God, how wonderful is His name.

What an encouragement to all - not to waste another moment on the time that has gone by, but to grab hold of every second that is to come and make the very most of it that we are able to! There is no limit to what can be accomplished when we are submitted to the Holy Spirit and His work in us! Why can't she learn to play the drums? Why couldn't YOU start again - new and fresh in the Lord? As the Apostle Paul put it - "forgetting those things that are BEHIND we press FORWARD..." As my
51st birthday approaches, I find I am excited about all that is yet to be!

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