Sunday, January 23, 2011

OMIGOSH! It really works!!!

How would you react if someone was deliberately rude and obnoxious to you? We'd all like to think we'd "turn the other cheek" - but truth is, almost all of us except those who are masters of self control, would struggle with this one!

I know I sure did! New neighbor was beyond rude when I took time out to welcome them and introduce myself. I was so shocked, I just kept a smile plastered on my face and walked away as politely as possible!

Then I got down on my knee's and asked God to help me overcome my natural desire to AVOID them completely - and went right back out and offered to help them in any way I possibly could.

Are they my new best friend? NO!! However, from where I am standing, the door is open to share Christ with them. I already offered prayer for his knee injury (my second time out)- which he turned down. I smiled and reiterated if there were anything I could do for them I happily would.

Obedience leaves no room for ego. Thank you Lord. Bless those who curse you. Yes, Jesus, I will choose to do as you would do. Is it okay if I ask others to pray for me - for strength to be nice???

and how has your Sunday been?

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