Sunday, April 22, 2012

Week 17 April 22 - April 28

SUNDAY                            I Chronicles 1 - 2
MONDAY                         Psalm 43, 44, 45, 49, 84, 85, 87        
TUESDAY                        I Chronicles 3 - 5
WEDNESDAY                Psalm 73,77,78
THURSDAY                    I Chrinicles 6
FRIDAY                            Psalm 81, 88, 92, 93
SATURDAY                    I Chronicles 7 - 10

Try reading the Psalms all OUT LOUD - even if you are only reading to yourself.  Originally, many of these were prayers David SPOKE OUT LOUD to God.  There is something powerful about our doing the same.  You just might be surprised at what it does in your own heart!  TRY IT, and tell us what you think.
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