Thursday, April 12, 2012


You know exactly what I’m talking about because you’ve been there, more often than you really care to admit to.  Horror of horrors – to be in a place where we DOUBT God!  We doubt His love for us, we doubt His provision for us, and we doubt He cares about us AT ALL because IF HE DID…

This thing we’re going through now wouldn’t be happening or that thing  that’s occurring wouldn’t be happening or this circumstance I find myself in would be different or that circumstance would be different.  You know what I mean, we’ve all been there.  We have all asked the question “Why God? Why?”

I’ve had some very “not nice” things that happened in my life as I grew up.  There was a very long, very painful block of time when I was convinced I was unwanted and unloved by my own mother.  And I was mad at God about it, let me tell you!  Why God? Why? 

Do you know, in the Bible, the Word of God in the book of Romans chapter 8 verse 28, it says “All things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purposes.”  ALL THINGS.  Does that mean, everything that happens is supposed to BE GOOD?  No, I don’t think so, for I know from experience that that is not the way it works!  Not all the things that happen are GOOD – but ALL the things that happen, when we walk in agreement and obedience toward God Almighty, everything that occurs is used by Him and turned in such a way that they work together to bring about GOOD in our lives!

In this case, the very real emotional pain and turmoil I experienced through that time in my life, was just recently used by God the Father to minister some very real, very needed healing in the life of someone else, who was experiencing that exact same sort of trauma.  Had I not gone through what I went through, I could not have reached this person with Gods truths.  They wouldn’t have listened or received my words as valid, in the way they did, if I had not actually gone through similar circumstances to what they were experiencing.  I’d have been just another “Christian” trying to con them into thinking Jesus was gonna make it all ok if they’d just go to church, or attend Bible study or some such thing. 

Instead, they knew, as I described my experience and then shared HOW God delivered me from it and healed and restored my relationship with my mother (for which I am VERY thankful) they KNEW, that there was very real HOPE that they could be delivered, too.  God is no “respecter of persons.”  What He makes available is available to everyone, if they will have faith to receive it.

HOPE – that’s one of the wonderful things that “empty” tomb was FULL of the morning Jesus left the grave clothes lying in there and GOT UP FROM THE DEAD!  Be sure to “tune in” Sunday for the next Tide Turning Tale on video!

Be blessed and encouraged in the Lord Brothers and Sisters, for He loves us!

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