Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Sense from senselessness

When terrible things happen, and I don't know if it's the 24/7 news casts or the internet making information so much easier to obtain, but it seems like ever more terrible things keep happening on a random yet regular basis lately, many turn to the Lord with that ever lingering childish question
Why did someone or a group of someone's set off bombs at the finish line of the Boston Marathon?  Was it related to the marathon in some way or just a random act of barbarism?  Why God, why?  We ask in frustration, we ask in shock, even if we recognize there is no single, understandable or reasonable answer.  

We live in a sinful, fallen world that is full of evil darkness and dastardly deeds done by people who may or may not even fully understand their own actions.  We most likely will never fully understand or get answers that make any true sense to these questions that haunt us when things like this happen.  Actions like these often shake our faith, cause us to question and wonder.  Is God truly in control?  If He is, then why are we subject to random actions that may end our lives or leave us crippled and maimed in an instant without rhyme or reason?  

There are no easy answers to any of our questions.  Neither is the answer a cliched "just have faith and trust God" attitude.  Yes, we must have faith and trust God.  But not without any understanding.  We understand that in this world there is an enemy.  An active enemy who knows he works best under cover of darkness, who prefers we don't even believe that he is there, because that allows him to move about more freely, wreaking havoc everywhere he goes.  There is a devil, an evil spiritual being who influences humans to behave in such horrible, sinful ways.  He instigates sinful actions, just as he deceived Eve and tricked Adam into sin, he still does so today.  It isn't that those who are hurt or killed have done any wrong or deserved in any way the treatment they've received, any more than any of us deserve the grace we receive either.  

Neither are we powerless pawns being batted back and forth between two super spiritual beings helplessly caught in a web between them.  We are created beings, loved unconditionally by the One who created us, subject, because of sin, to the evil actions of another created being, Satan by name, who knows that hurting us hurts the heart of God Himself.  Choosing to repent of sin, believing that Jesus PAID the full price for it on the cross and delivered us from it leads us to HOPE of Eternal Life with God.  It doesn't insulate us from random acts of violence but it does assure us that there is HOPE.  

When horrible tragedy strikes, I pray especially hard for those who don't know Christ, because they have nothing to help them make sense out of the senseless actions of others that cause such devastation.  When terrible tragedy occurs the believer in God can ultimately find comfort in knowing that God works all things together for GOOD for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)  Not everything that happens is good, but He turns it to our good in some way, some manner.  

We cannot explain evil, though we witness it and are affected by it in our daily lives.  By faith and prayer we can combat it.  Our hearts and prayers go out to all those affected by the bomb blasts in Boston yesterday.  May the God of all peace the Father of our Lord Jesus give each and everyone of them peace with Him, comfort in their hearts, and may His love surround them and cushion them in the days ahead.  I pray that those in the hospital will recover fully and swiftly beyond medical abilities.  I pray the families of those who lost their lives will find grace and mercy in their mourning.  I pray those who do not know Christ as their Lord and Savior will be drawn to Him by these events and discover the Love of God through the Cross of Christ to the end they repent and receive the gift of salvation, in the name of Jesus the Lord, Amen.

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