Saturday, February 28, 2015


The headlines have been frightening and I am not going to pretend otherwise.  History has this uncanny way of repeating itself.  Different players, various reasons same results.  Reading about it, talking about it is one thing.  As it would be expected, the subject of recent headlines came up in our weekly Bible Study.  The question was asked "Why are Christians being SILENT about what is going on?  Where is the voice of the CHURCH?"

Franklin Graham, Billy's son, has certainly been vocal about our current events - is his voice enough to give the Church the impression she'll be heard?  Why aren't the rest of our voices joining this beacon of light to shine the light of Christ brightly and clearly into this dark and wicked world?

I think there are many reasons, which are too broad for me to try to go into all of them in this forum.  One of the reasons, which I do want to address, is I think there is a great element of FEAR to the silence of Gods church.

The murderous beheading of Christians so publicly and frequently reminds us of the days of being thrown into the ring with lions or burned at the stake.

When the stories of history become the reality of our everyday lives, bravery in the form of a firm voice can be a little harder to muster.

Personally I encourage and comfort myself with the firm faith that GOD IS SOVEREIGN.  My hope, my only hope for this world, for my life and for my eternity is that indeed, He is sovereign.

There is no authority but that which God has allowed.  There are no circumstance that He is not in complete control of.  There is no action that occurs upon this earth, which belong wholly to Him, that is not made a part of His design to bring about His plan and His perfect will in all things, at all times, to all of His Creation.

When the Egyptians were throwing innocent newborn sons into the Nile to drown, God lifted up Moses right from those very waters, had him raised in the house of the Ruler of Egypt who had instigated the deaths of the beloved Hebrew infant sons and through this child, Moses, God delivered the people from Egyptian slavery.

When even the Israelite ruler himself, Herod, in a fit of jealous human rage ordered the deaths of every son up to the age of 2 of Gods chosen people to try to stop the newborn King of Kings from taking His rightful place as Savior, Gods plan prevailed and Jesus became SALVATION for all the world.

Through the ages to our time right now, God has a plan and purpose in place that goes beyond the minimal time we live in this world and delivers His people, all those who call upon the name of the Lord, into Eternal Life.

Romans 8:28 tells us that "...we know that all things work together for GOOD to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose."

Not everything that happens is good, but God works it all together for good to bring about what He has ordained and planned.

Our silence does not save us.  Hiding, compromising and tolerating does not save us from the evils of this world.  In fact, those things just strengthen those who do evil to be bolder in their evil.

Our strength, our salvation is found in the faith and trust in Gods sovereignty.  We can speak out with boldness precisely because our God is sovereign.

Silence has never been Gods plan and it isn't His plan now.  People are saved when they HEAR the Gospel of Truth.  How shall they hear unless we PREACH IT WITH BOLDNESS?!?

Lord, grant me the boldness and grace to speak Your true message of Salvation through Jesus our Savior and King to all I come in contact with.  Help me, through the power of Your Holy Spirit that lives in me to LIVE that message each day of my life, so others will SEE and KNOW that you alone are the one true God, Creator, and Sovereign over all Your Creation.  Help me to be a beacon of light, a harbor of hope to others.  Help me to be strong and courageous, secure in the absolute certainty that You are with me, You are For me and greater is He Who is in me than he who is in this world.  Thank you for my brothers and sisters in Christ to unite with me and me with them, so support, help and love one another and build each other up in the most Holy faith that we will fulfill your command and commission to us to GO INTO ALL THE WORLD AND PREACH THE GOSPEL.

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