Friday, June 12, 2020


Lord, you alone know the end from the beginning and you alone understand all the pains and all the sorrows experienced by the hearts of all the people that you’ve created.

You alone are the answer to every question, every concern and every fear that we have or will ever have. We cry out to you, Holy Spirit, cover our hearts, quiet our minds! Bring order to the chaos of our thoughts and our feelings! Hold your people steady on the Rock of our salvation, and let the joy of that salvation rise up and give us strength!

Gracious God, release your peace, that Your peace will guard our hearts and our minds and keep them from spiraling down into dark fear and doubts! 

Lord God, you have called your people to be the beacons of light that will shine into the darkness, that will light a path to lead others to your grace and to your hope for their today’s and their tomorrow’s! 

Lord we need your Holy Spirit power to steady are standing. Oh Lord let our faith rise up and bless us with the strength to stand firm, to shine brightly, to love without hypocrisy, to comfort those in need and speak the powerful everlasting words of life, words of salvation, so that all will hear and all would have opportunity, to choose everlasting life with the Lord God who saves!

Fill our mouth‘s Lord, fill the mouth’s of Your people with the gracious words of repentance leading to salvation that comes with the knowledge that Christ Jesus alone is Lord! 

How we need you God, we cry out to you Lord, let the Holy Spirit work be done in us, let the work of the Holy Spirit be done through us!  Lord you are our God, our deliverer, our Father of grace and mercy!

Shine through us that the darkness will be shattered and the world will see that you alone are LORD, and that you alone are the help and the answer that each one of us needs, we ask and pray in Jesus name, amen!

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