Friday, June 5, 2020

Priorities and Purpose in the Current Climate

Has the COVID-19 pandemic changed the way we as Christians go about our daily lives?  Many churches are still closed down, some are minimally operating and others simply continued to function as usual with nary a missed step.

Are we supposed to be "changing" things in our lives?

Here's what made me think along these lines; listen in and see what you think, or how the Holy Spirit may move in your heart about this.

ACCORDING to the Word of God my focus and priority is to SEEK FIRST THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS.  Matthew 6:33

          With reverence, respect, wisdom, fear and trembling, and AWE I am to seek the Lord through reading His word daily, praying, meditating on those things that are pure and true and noble....Philippians 4:8


ACCORDING to the instructions to the Lords people found in Ephesians 4:10-16, I am to be purposeful and deliberate about sharing the Gospel to the end I am part of building the Body of Christ and equipping the saints for the work of the ministry.


ACCORDING to Jesus' instructions to His disciples, of which I am one, His command is that we LOVE one another, just as He loves us, the Father loves Him and us, so we are to love one another.  John 13:35 and reiterated directly to the saints today in 1Peter 1:22.  


The truth is that for the Christian who is endeavoring to walk with Christ and in obedience to His word, the constant turmoil, upheaval, chaos, insanity, politics, societal ills and cultural clashes of this WORLD are not to be the platform on which we stand nor the platform from which we speak.  

We are to STAND on the steadfast, immovable, unchangeable, strong and solid ROCK of Jesus Christ the Savior Who is the same yesterday, today and forever!

May the God of all Glory give you peace, strength, wisdom and the power through His Holy Spirit to stand firm in His truth today, tomorrow and every day, in Jesus name! 

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